Who is an Indian?
CITIZENSHIP is core to a person's existence and has therefore, been defined as the right to have rights. But can Citizenship be reduced to proving a few documents ? That too in a country like India where formal documentation remains a mirage for a majority of the population. Having seen the NRC process from close quarters in Assam, we at CJP are asking - Who is an Indian and who decides ? Does the Law and Constitution decide ? This page is a collection of our ongoing work against an All India NRC and how you can contribute
Drawing from our experience in Assam and fighting for human rights of the marginalised, CJP is now leading the fight against NRC, CAA and NPR. We have been holding mass public meetings, trainings of activists and community leaders, distributing materials on the Issue of an All India NRC and the Citizenship Question
CJP is urging people to understand, organise and fight back democratically. Arm yourself with the knowledge to fight back with our FAQs, booklets and other material explaining the Citizenship conundrum.
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CJP EXCLUSIVE: How the Union of India took a giant step towards both NPR & NRC in 2015 without informed consent
Citizen’s activism through the Right to Information Act (RTI) has revealed how,...
Census v/s NPR
The Government of India has suddenly declared that it will conduct a...
जनगणना विरुद्ध एनपीआर
भारत सरकारने, एप्रिल २०२० ते सप्टेंबर २०२० पर्यंत भारतातील सामान्य रहिवासी निश्चित...
जनगणना बनाम एनपीआर
भारत सरकार ने अचानक घोषणा की है कि अप्रैल 2020 से सितंबर...
Census v/s NPR
The Government of India has suddenly declared that it will conduct a...
जनगणना बनाम एनपीआर
भारत सरकार ने अचानक घोषणा की है कि अप्रैल 2020 से सितंबर...
भारतीय कौन है? (Presentation, Hindi)
NRC-NPR और नागरिकता पर उठे सवालों पर एक दस्तावेज़ ...
जनगणना विरुद्ध एनपीआर
भारत सरकारने, एप्रिल २०२० ते सप्टेंबर २०२० पर्यंत भारतातील सामान्य रहिवासी निश्चित...
Census v/s NPR
The Government of India has suddenly declared that it will conduct a...
India’s poorest citizens will bear the brunt of NPR-NRC (English)
Imagine how difficult and costly the process of proving ones citizenship will...
Citizenship Laws in India – FAQs
Which articles in the Constitution deal with citizenship rights? Articles 5 to...
We the People Of India (English)
Stand up for the Constitution, scrap CAB/CAA 2019...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the CAB/CAA 2019
What is Citizenship Amendment Act? It is an Act that proposes that...

The latest NRC-NPR -CAA news from across the country
CJP EXCLUSIVE: How the Union of India took a giant step towards both NPR & NRC in 2015 without informed consent
Citizen’s activism through the Right to Information Act (RTI) has revealed how,...
Has implementation of CAA 2019 already begun?
The Ministry of Home Affairs in its 2021-22 Annual Report has revealed...
CJP’s online training programme on CAA-NPR-NRC
Amidst the Covid-19 chaos, many pressing social issues were side-lined at the...
Assam gov’t gets a headstart on CAA, even as protests persist
On March 19, Political Department, Dispur, Guwahati issued a notice directing the...
Anti-CAA protests continue, regime’s excesses exacerbate
The North East region was one of the first to erupt in...
A collection of original images and Anti-NRC, NPR, CAA posters