29-Jul-2024 Supreme Court condemns appalling conditions at Matia Detention Centre in Assam, labels situation a ‘sorry state of affairs’ Criticises the lack of adequate water supply, proper sanitation systems, or proper toilets in the detention centres
29-Apr-2024 Demands for prison reforms continue as SC pulls up States for failing to follow its directives on prison reforms and providing inadequate data on prison infrastructure Justice Kohli observed that dingy and overcrowded prisons make prisoners more ill, and living in such conditions is not the idea of punishment
14-Aug-2023 क्या भारत में ‘खुली जेल’ से व्यक्तिगत आजादी मज़बूत होगी? भारत में कैसी है बिना दीवारों और बिना सलाखों की जेल की तस्वीर?
21-Jul-2023 भारत की जेलों में महिलाओं की क्या स्थिति है? NCRB की रिपोर्ट महिला क़ैदियों के बच्चों की बढ़ती संख्या और ख़राब परवरिश से जुड़े आंकड़ों का ख़ुलासा करती है. 2019 में जारी इस रिपोर्ट के आंकड़े महिला क़ैदियों की मुश्किलों और चुनौतियों पर रौशनी डालते हैं.
25-Apr-2023 Living inside prison is a dehumanising experience | Sudha Bharadwaj | Women in Indian Prison Episode 19 of CJP's Podcast Series RightsCast
12-Oct-2022 Proper upkeep of detention centre required to maintain human dignity: Rajasthan High Court Order could have an impact on detention centres across India, including those in Assam
05-Oct-2022 Are women entitled to special provisions in prison? The Model Prison Manual needs to be followed in letter and spirit
06-Aug-2021 Simon Nessa: Will someone tell me how my husband died? Part of CJP’s Stories from Assam series
03-Aug-2021 Prison Watch: Rajasthan HC directs prisons to educate inmates about their rights Court wants provisions of parole to be displayed prominently
14-Jun-2021 House Arrest: A window of opportunity A factsheet on is history, relevance and use, especially when it comes to political prisoners
21-Jan-2021 A prison without bars or walls Are Open Prisons the correctional and reformatory facilities India needs?
10-Sep-2020 How India treats women in prisons NCRB report reveals overcrowding, large presence of inmates' children
07-Sep-2020 NCRB’s Prison Statistics Report 2019 paints a bleak picture More under-trials than actual convicts behind bars!
31-Aug-2020 Persons deprived of liberty require specific focus: UN-IASC Guidance on prisoners and detainees amidst Covid-19
17-Aug-2020 Why we need public scrutiny for prison monitoring in India Who monitors prisons? With what degree of transparency?
30-Jul-2020 Monitoring the condition of Indian prisons Who does it, and with what degree of transparency and accountability