16-Jun-2022 Deepak Sharma makes derogatory remarks about Allah, CJP moves NCM Hate Offender's new Twitter account suspended for reporting Muslims to police for posting jokes on "Shivling"
15-Jun-2022 Most troubling abuse of YouTube involves targeting of Muslims in India by BJP backers: NYU Stern Report India with 450 million users is the platform’s biggest market; content creators fuelling Islamophobia
15-Jun-2022 CJP की बड़ी जीत : NBDSA ने Zee हिंदुस्तान को “वैक्सीन जिहाद” वीडियो को हटाने का निर्देश दिया रिपोर्टिंग, फेक न्यूज, गलत सूचना और सांप्रदायिक पूर्वाग्रह से भरी हुई थी; यहां तक कि "सुधार" में भी दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं किया गया
15-Jun-2022 CJP Impact: NBDSA directs Zee News to take down video of communal show on Population Control The video of the show that used offensive taglines and pictures, is to be removed within 7 days
14-Jun-2022 CJP Impact: NBDSA directs Zee Hindustan to take down “Vaccine Jihad” video Reporting was replete with fake news, misinformation and communal bias; even “correction” did not follow guidelines
14-Jun-2022 Why is serial hate offender Ilyas Sharafuddin invited to TV news debates? Is this just a ploy to get more TRPs?
10-Jun-2022 CJP IMPACT: NCM acts on CJP’s Complaint against genocidal speech of BJP MLA Haribhushan Bachaul NCM gives direction to DGP Bihar, seeks response within 21 days
10-Jun-2022 Mis-Disinformation, Spot & Stop Fake News Listen to academic Jasbeer Musthafa in this video
08-Jun-2022 CJP moves NCM against Hate Offender Swami Jitendranand for calling for lynching of pregnant women In a video, referring to Muslim women, he said every ‘cow killer’ or anti-national should fall out of a ripped womb
08-Jun-2022 Serial Hate-offender Pooja Pandey targets jumma namaz UP’s Aligarh second place to report unrest due to hate-filled speech after Kanpur
07-Jun-2022 Hate Watch: Cow protection, mosque surveys and religious education top priorities for Assam Hindutva leader Satya Ranjan Borah demands cow protection, mosque surveys and religious education in Assam
04-Jun-2022 Hate Offender Bharat Singh Walia spews casteist, anti-Muslim hate The body builder and YouTuber is trying his best to be a mascot for hardline Hindutva
04-Jun-2022 Hate Watch: Why did NKTV allow BJP’s Shiladitya Dev to get away with making anti-Muslim comments? Host Paragmani Aditya did little to intervene or stop the anti-minority diatribe
03-Jun-2022 IMPACT: CJP की शिकायत पर YouTube से कई नफरत भरे वीडियो हटाए गए इन वीडियोज़ में नरसिंहानंद, आदि के भड़काऊ भाषण लाखो लोगों तक पहुंच रहे थे
03-Jun-2022 हेट बस्टर : ताज महल, तेजो महालय नहीं है ! २०१५ में सरकार ने संसद में भी इस अजीब दावे को ख़ारिज किया था
02-Jun-2022 Hate Watch: ‘Swami’ Jitendranand Saraswati calls for lynching of pregnant women Serial hate offender has previously dodged prosecution for calls for genocide, violence and carrying trishuls