24-Nov-2023 Tamil Nadu witnesses a tide of violence against Dalits Bureaucratic delays preventing proper burials, facing increased hate for having a tattoo of B R Ambedkar, violence against Dalits persists
04-Sep-2023 Being a Muslim in India 2023 | Ghazala Wahab | Teesta Setalvad How does a Muslim woman navigate prejudices in today’s India
02-Sep-2023 Hathras: Elusive justice and legal nuances with Teesta Setalvad Teesta Setalvad takes you through the legal nuances of the tragic case
26-Aug-2023 मुज़फ़्फ़रनगर स्कूल घटना: देश मे नफ़रत की बढ़ती आहट अल्पसंख्यकों को निशाना बनाने वाले अपराध कैसे पनपते हैं?
07-Aug-2023 Haryana Violence | CJP Petitions NCM & DGP CJP urged the authorities to take action and stop the malicious attack on Muslims
06-May-2023 तथ्य और आंकड़ों के साथ खिलवाड़ से चलता है कालीचरण महाराज के नफ़रती बयानों का व्यापार कालीचरण महाराज सहित महाराष्ट्र में हेट-स्पीच के ज़रिए कई दक्षिणपंथी ताक़तें जनता में अलगाव पैदा करने की कोशिश कर रही हैं.
04-May-2023 Reports of Trishul Deeksha in April, majorly from Rajasthan A total of 7 incidents were reported
28-Apr-2023 CJP writes to NBDSA over Aaj Tak’s ‘Mazaar Jihad’ show The body condemns the practice of labeling and stereotyping
28-Apr-2023 Muslim women seen with Hindu men heckled, harassed Three such incidents have been reported
27-Apr-2023 Muslim population a “time bomb” to “Hindus take up arms’: A Seven-Day Hate Report Assam, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Uttarakhand is tainted with anti-Muslim hate from April 19 to yesterday; the offenders escape the long arm of the law
26-Apr-2023 Hindutva and its insecurities around Eid There have been numerous reports of local right-wing groups creating a ruckus
25-Apr-2023 Don’t send daughters to school alone, it’s “haram”: Maulana Sajjad Nomani He was speaking at an address during the recently concluded month of Ramzan
18-Apr-2023 Saga of spreading hatred & targeting Muslims continues on Sudarshan News Chavhanke, along with Hindu monk Devkinandan Thakur, exhorts the viewership to repeat the Babri mosque demolition in Mathura and Kashi in order to “free Lord Krishna”
17-Apr-2023 Hate watch: Hindu monks give provocative speeches, event organised by Akhil Bhartiya Hindu Mahasabha, New Delhi Held at Jantar Mantar, the saffron clad speakers made demands for officially declaring India as a Hindu nation