07-Feb-2022 CJP’s Assam Legal Aid Petition: ASLSA indicates shortage of funds for providing legal aid to those excluded from NRC Previously, the Gauhati HC had emphasised upon importance of funding for legal aid
22-Jan-2022 Help out Assam team fight the citizenship crisis Reach out to countless citizens who don't have anyone to help them
13-Jan-2022 सीजेपी ने की असम पुलिस से थानों में सीसीटीवी कैमरे लगाने की जोरदार मांग वकीलों, किसानों और श्रमिक संगठनों द्वारा पेश मेमोरेंडम में सुप्रीम कोर्ट द्वारा एक साल पहले दिए गए दिशा-निर्देशों के हवाले से इस मांग का जोरदार समर्थन
03-Jan-2022 CJP strengthens commitment to our fellow Indians in Assam in 2021 More people released from detention centres, important legal interventions made
22-Dec-2021 CJP in 2021: New milestones achieved A look back at some of CJP’s most unique achievements
10-Dec-2021 Assam police firing: State responds to victim family’s plea, says acted in self defence CJP assisted in filing the petition before Gauhati High Court
09-Dec-2021 CJP helps two brothers get released from Assam Detention Centre Mahiruddin and Mainuddin released after four months of hard work
06-Dec-2021 CJP urges Assam Police to install CCTVs in police stations Memorandum backed by organisations of lawyers, farmers and labourers highlights SC directives from a year ago
01-Dec-2021 Here’s how CJP helped release the 49th inmate from Assam’s detention camps Watch the story of Mojibor Sheikh, who was jailed in the Goalpara Detention Camp
24-Nov-2021 असम डिटेन्शन कैम्प से एक और क़ैदी हुआ आज़ाद CJP ने मोजिबोर शेख़ को गोवालपारा डिटेन्शन कैम्प से करवाया आज़ाद
23-Nov-2021 CJP’s Assam Legal Aid Petition: Gauhati HC asks Centre and State to indicate stand on funding Court observed proper funding could help provide competent legal aid
22-Nov-2021 CJP comes to the aid of Assam beggar served FT notice Name already included in NRC; impoverished family now traumatised unnecessarily
18-Nov-2021 Gauhati HC extends interim protection to Gulbhanu Begum FT declared her a foreigner because authorities had recorded her father’s name incorrectly
17-Nov-2021 Another Assam man released from Detention Camp with CJP’s help Mojibor Sheikh becomes the 47th inmate to be released from the Detention Camp
16-Nov-2021 Victory! Mojibor Sheikh released from Assam Detention Centre with CJP’s help CJP had been working on his case since September