18-Jun-2022 Everyday Harmony: Humanity shines through the rubble of Hate Amidst violence and bulldozer politics, citizens work together to maintain peace
15-Jun-2022 Most troubling abuse of YouTube involves targeting of Muslims in India by BJP backers: NYU Stern Report India with 450 million users is the platform’s biggest market; content creators fuelling Islamophobia
08-Jun-2022 Serial Hate-offender Pooja Pandey targets jumma namaz UP’s Aligarh second place to report unrest due to hate-filled speech after Kanpur
09-May-2022 Hate Watch: BJP MLA compares Muslims to Ravan, says they should be set ablaze! Haribhushan Thakur Bauchal gives an open call for violence against the minority community
14-Apr-2022 Everyday Harmony: Koranic verses recited at K’taka temple as Chariot Festival begins No bar against non-Muslims setting up stalls
13-Apr-2022 Remove loudspeakers by Eid: Raj Thackeray’s ultimatum to mosques MNS Chief urges administration to comply with his demand to avoid "division and riots"
31-Mar-2022 With calls for economic boycott of Muslims, are we at the precipice of a genocide? Othering, ridicule and exclusion are just precursors to violence
26-Mar-2022 Hate Buster: IAS officer laments how the plight of Kashmir Pandits is being exploited Sudha Koul, Kashmir’s first woman IAS officer, disagrees with the divisive movie The Kashmir Files
25-Mar-2022 Hate Buster: Delhi Police shoot down hotel’s claim of ‘order’ to deny room to J&K man Police say they never issued any order to disregard ID documents from J&K
17-Mar-2022 CJP moves NBDSA against News18’s fake story on bombing in Bengal School The show demonizes Muslims using an inflammatory narrative based on false information
16-Mar-2022 तीस्ता सेतलवाड़ : उस नफरत की चिंगारी को याद रखना ज़रूरी है जो 2002 के गुजरात दंगों में बर्बर रूप से फूट पड़ी थी गुजरात नरसंहार के बीस साल बाद अल्पसंख्यकों के खिलाफ दुष्प्रचार राष्ट्रीय स्तर तक पहुंच गया है।
14-Mar-2022 गुजरात दंगे के तबाही की गवाही में गुजरे बीस साल : 2002-2022 नरसंहार की भयावहता और पीड़ितों की दुखद कहानियों की याद
09-Mar-2022 CJP Impact: Twitter suspends Deepak Sharma’s main account CJP was one of the first to flag the serial hate offender's profile to NHRC in 2018
02-Mar-2022 Hate Buster: Harsha Jingade’s sister does not support calls to boycott Muslim businesses Ashwini has repeatedly appealed for communal harmony
28-Feb-2022 Twenty Long Years, Bearing Witness: Gujarat 2002-2022 Recalling the unspeakable horrors of the carnage and the quiet dignity of the survivors
28-Feb-2022 गुजरात नरसंहार के 20 साल बाद, संस्थाओं ने बहुत कम सबक सीखे 2002 के दंगों से ठीक पहले पेश आने वाली गोधरा त्रासदी की बरसी रविवार को पड़ती है।