05-Feb-2025 Broadcasting Bias: CJP’s fight against hatred in Indian news How mainstream media outlets fuelled division in 2024—and the accountability they faced for it
24-Apr-2024 Don’t cross the line: Courts on media trials and erring conduct of anchors CJP looks at critical jurisprudence around media coverage on contentious issue, specifically the role and conduct of the anchor
06-Mar-2024 ‘We’ve Reached A Stage Where The News Media Have Become A Voice Against The People’ article-14.com
23-Jan-2024 2023 में ये शिकायतें लेकर NBDSA पहुंचा CJP: भारतीय TV चैनलों द्वारा मूल्यों और दिशानिर्देशों के उल्लंघन पर एक नज़र वर्ष 2023 में टीवी पर घोर नफरती उल्लंघनों पर पैनी नज़र रखते हुए सीजेपी ने न्यूज ब्रॉडकास्टिंग एण्ड डिजिटल स्टैंडर्ड्स अथॉरिटी (एनबीडीएसए) के समक्ष आठ शिकायतें दाखिल कीं जिनमें से सात टाइम्स नाउ नवभारत के खिलाफ थीं; एनबीडीएसए से आठ अनुकूल आदेश आए
04-Jan-2024 2023: India’s Bad Laws, what a weaponised state means for individual freedoms and indigenous rights Will the 30 bills passed without due process in four parliamentary sessions further curtail India's future rights and freedoms
29-Dec-2023 Untouchability in 2023 garb: Dalits Speak Out CJP interviewed Dalit voices of editors, artists, authors, advocates from various parts of the country to centre narratives of survival and dignity in modern India.
22-Dec-2023 CJP’s NBDSA Complaints 2023: A look at the repeated violation of ethics and guidelines by Indian television channels Keeping a hawk’s eye on the most egregious hate violations on television through 2023, CJP filed eight complaints with the News Broadcasting and Digital Standards Authority, seven of which were against Times Now Navbharat; eight favourable orders came from the NBDSA
25-Sep-2023 No primetime segment given to anti-Muslim slurs made in parliament last Thursday Anti-Muslim slurs against MP in parliament do not make the cut for commercial mainstream media
22-Aug-2023 Policing the Media: Press and Registration of Periodicals Bill, 2023 From powers of search and seizure, a plethora of provisions threatens media freedoms
03-Apr-2023 Eyes wide shut : what AajTak’s coverage of Ram Navami violence tells us about mainstream media in today’s India There were violent incidents in many Indian states, yet mainstream media conveniently presented a one-sided narrative
15-Mar-2023 IIT Mumbai report on Darshan Solanki death, crucial evidence overlooked Three witnesses contradict Internal Committee's report on discrimination against Solanki; Internal Survey confirms discrimination as lived reality
23-Nov-2022 Hate Watch: Mob attacks a young muslim boy and a man with rods in Raichur The family was threatened against filing a complaint
23-Jul-2022 CJP ने तीस्ता सेतलवाड़ के खिलाफ मीडिया ट्रायल करने पर टाइम्स नाउ को आड़े हाथ लिया चैनल के एंकर और अतिथि वक्ताओं ने तीन प्राइम-टाइम डिबेट शो में तीस्ता सेतलवाड़ पर निराधार आरोप लगाए
22-Jun-2022 State-sponsored Doxing: Is it even legal? A closer look at the legal provisions surrounding revealing private information of individuals
21-Jun-2022 How to spot and stop Hate in the Newsroom What can journalists do to stand up to senior staff against biased news coverage?
21-Jan-2022 India’s Ecosystem of Hate: Is Facebook both, a Beneficiary and an Offender? Complete text of Teesta Setalvad’s speech at online event organized by Real Facebook Oversight Board on January 20, 2022