11-Apr-2023 Gujarat: Kajal Hindusthani arrested for delivering anti-Muslim hate speech After first evading arrest, she has now been sent to judicial custody when mob violence & vandalism resulted following her hate speech
11-Apr-2023 Rising tide of Hate Speech: Propagating violence against minorities Reports from Madhya Pradesh, UP and Telangana
11-Apr-2023 Haryana: Brutal attack on Muslims offering namaz, 9 injured The Police has filed an FIR against 19 persons
10-Apr-2023 CJP ने मुंबई और हैदराबाद पुलिस को रामनवमी में हिंसा के ख़तरे से किया आगाह रामनवमी जुलूस में सांप्रदायिक हिंसा के आसार को भांपते हुए CJP ने की निवारक क़दम उठाते हुए (preventive action) शिकायत दर्ज की. जवाब में पुलिस ने भी सतर्कता बरतने की ज़िम्मेदारी का बीड़ा उठाया.
10-Apr-2023 CJP informs NCSC of Bihar police beating up minor Dalit boys for celebrating Holi; seeks action The boys were dancing to DJ music when the police started assaulting them
10-Apr-2023 Violence important for protection of religion: Kalicharan Another hate speech propagating violence in Maharashtra
10-Apr-2023 Madhya Pradesh: Another life lost for belonging to a religious minority, Muslim youth lynched on suspicion of theft Relatives of the deceased alleged that Firoz was attacked by locals, hate crimes against Muslims in the area had been reported last year
06-Apr-2023 Students of all faiths observe Iftar together, Muslim students open fast while non-Muslim students serve food In a country full of plural democracy, atmosphere at the Iftar during the month of Ramadan promotes unity, tolerance, and secularism
06-Apr-2023 Situation for Christians in India deteriorating as attacks by Hindutva groups increase Christians face attacks on Churches, prayer meets - cries for help fall on deaf ears as police arrest the victims
05-Apr-2023 Yati Narsinghanand back with his misogynist, Islamophobic and fear infusing diatribe He was speaking at Hindu Jagruti Sammelan in Delhi
04-Apr-2023 Right wing groups indoctrinate Hindu youth to wield Trishuls to protect religion, cows This year alone, thousands of youth have been given these weapons
03-Apr-2023 Bihar simmers in communal tension amid Ram Navami celebrations According to Maktoob Media, the violence and destruction of property by mobs incurred crores of losses to Muslim businesses
03-Apr-2023 Eyes wide shut : what AajTak’s coverage of Ram Navami violence tells us about mainstream media in today’s India There were violent incidents in many Indian states, yet mainstream media conveniently presented a one-sided narrative
30-Mar-2023 Hindu Ekta rally organised in Faridabad, speakers gave anti-minority speeches, made open calls for economic boycott and genocide Suresh Chavhanke and Jagadguru Paramhansa were a part of this Bajrang Dal organised event
30-Mar-2023 CJP intimates Mumbai and Hyderabad Police about Ram Navami processions by right wing groups While CJP sought preventive action, the police assured strict vigilance
30-Mar-2023 Multiple incidents of violence, intimidation of Muslims reported since the beginning of Ramadan From intolerance over Namaaz being offered in open to putting up banners that say “Jai Hindu Rashtra”, Muslim community remains on edge