01-Sep-2022 Hate Watch: Church vandalised, Christian Pastor’s car set on fire in Punjab Akal Takht Jathedar accuses Missionaries of forced conversions
20-Aug-2022 हेट वॉच: शिक्षक द्वारा पिटाई के बाद दलित बच्चे की मौत; पुलिस ने “जाति एंगल” से इनकार किया 9 साल के बच्चे ने "उच्च जाति" के लोगों के लिए आरक्षित पानी के बर्तन को छुआ था
18-Aug-2022 Hate Watch: Dalit boy dies after being allegedly thrashed by teacher; cops deny “caste angle” The 9-year-old had touched a pot of water reserved for “upper caste” people
10-Aug-2022 Hate Watch: Is the movie Hum Do Humare Barah blaming Muslims for India’s population problem? Poster goes viral on social media, right-wing trolls use it to campaign for Population Control Bill after movie poster goes viral
10-Aug-2022 Everyday Harmony: Non-Muslims commemorate Muharram in Karnataka village that has no Muslims The holy month for mourning and reflection also has other unique traditions
09-Aug-2022 CJP Impact: NCM directs Mumbai Police to investigate Swami Jitendranand Saraswati’s hate speech CJP had moved NCM in June following his call for lynching of pregnant Muslim women
06-Aug-2022 CJP Impact! NCM directs UP Police to investigate Deepak Sharma’s Islamophobic diatribe on Clubhouse Asks UP Police to respond with a report within 21 days
29-Jul-2022 CJP ने हरिभूषण बचौल के खिलाफ फिर NCM का रुख किया! अल्पसंख्यकों के खिलाफ अपमानजनक टिप्पणी करने के लिए सीजेपी ने भाजपा विधायक के खिलाफ फॉलोअप शिकायत दर्ज कराई
29-Jul-2022 CJP moves NBDSA against Times Now’s virtual media trial of Teesta Setalvad Times Now fails to respond to CJP’s complaint against the three prime-time debate shows aired on their channel
28-Jul-2022 CJP Impact: NBDSA directs News18 to take down video of show about bombs hurled at WB school Channel to take down the video and send confirmation to NBDSA in writing within 7 days of receiving the order
25-Jul-2022 नूपुर शर्मा के समर्थन में तलवार बांटने पर हिंदू सेना के खिलाफ CJP ने NCM का रुख किया हिंदू सेना के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष ने कथित तौर पर दिल्ली एनसीआर में लगभग 10,000 तलवारें बांटने का दावा किया है
23-Jul-2022 CJP ने तीस्ता सेतलवाड़ के खिलाफ मीडिया ट्रायल करने पर टाइम्स नाउ को आड़े हाथ लिया चैनल के एंकर और अतिथि वक्ताओं ने तीन प्राइम-टाइम डिबेट शो में तीस्ता सेतलवाड़ पर निराधार आरोप लगाए
18-Jul-2022 Everyday Harmony: Kashmiri Pandits welcome back Hajis with Na’at recital Previously local Muslims had assisted in the rescue of Amarnath pilgrims during the flash-floods
16-Jul-2022 Hate Watch: Another Ajmer dargah cleric mocks Hindu deities Vishva Hindu Parishad demands his immediate arrest; cleric issues apology
11-Jul-2022 Hate Buster: No, Teesta Setalvad did not spit on policemen! The woman in the viral video is Netta D’Souza, the acting president of the All-India Mahila Congress
07-Jul-2022 Hate Watch: Ajmer Dargah khadim demands Nupur Sharma’s head Days after the Udaipur beheading, video goes viral, cops arrest cleric