15-Oct-2019 CJP appeals to groups aiding victims of the NRC process to stand together: Assam Press Release
14-Oct-2019 Bengali Hindu couple falsely accused of using fake legacy person CJP helps clear name, family included in final NRC
09-Oct-2019 Subrata Dey Died in Detention Camp, CJP counsels and assists his family The plight of genuine Indian Citizens in Assam
07-Oct-2019 Meet Hasan Ali: A Suicide survivor counselled by CJP CJP guides genuine Indian citizens in Assam
04-Oct-2019 Fear, loathing & dismay across ‘India-Bangladesh border’ in Bengaluru: NRC Sudipto Mondal for The Federal
28-Sep-2019 Poverty haunts family of Subrata Dey Detention Camp victim's son forced to give up education, mother and widow make cloth bags to survive!
26-Sep-2019 Quit India ’83 Basbari- Ashraful Hussain Touching Poem inspired by the plight of disenfranchised souls
25-Sep-2019 Battling All Odds, CJP Assam Team Marches on CJP Team is going beyond the call of duty in Assam
24-Sep-2019 People’s Tribunal: NRC and its Constitutional Process and Human Cost Eminent Jury Members on the humanitarian crisis of Assam
17-Sep-2019 Bangladeshi bogeyman myth EXPOSED in Assam! One-third of people excluded from NRC are non-Bengalis, many from indigenous tribes and ethnic groups!
17-Sep-2019 Proceedings before Foreigners’ Tribunals are really the issue: Teesta Setalvad Teesta Setalvad raises critical points
16-Sep-2019 अगर NRC में मेरा नाम नहीं आता तो मैं आत्महत्या कर लेता : हसन अली CJP की मदद से फाइनल NRC लिस्ट में जगह बनाने में हुए कामयाब
09-Sep-2019 NRC has spawned a humanitarian crisis: Interim Jury Report Observations of Jury Members at People's Tribunal on Citizenship Crisis in Assam