07-Nov-2019 A look at how Foreigners’ Tribunals have fared since 2015 Observations made by the bench of the Guwahati HC monitoring Foreigners Tribunals in Assam, 2015-2019
04-Nov-2019 27 deaths later, it’s time to wake up Assam and the detention camps menace claims 27 lives till date
04-Nov-2019 Assam: The Curious Case of Phuljan Nessa Declared foreigner Phuljan Nessa’s name appeared in the final draft of the NRC. How did this happen?
02-Nov-2019 CJP works towards release of detainees in Assam In compliance with the Supreme Court order granting relief to detainees who have spent more than 3 years in detention camps in Assam
01-Nov-2019 Family left out of NRC even after submitting claims form: CJP intervenes Marfat Ali and his family were left of the NRC even after submitting valid legacy documents and claims form
01-Nov-2019 Assam Detention Camp death: Dulal Paul’s family accepts body Declared 'foreigner' in 2017, he had been incarcerated at the Tezpur Detention Camp
31-Oct-2019 Teesta Setalvad empowers citizens and questions modalities with regards to NRC At an event, the human rights activist urged both, the public and the political class to oppose the NRC from being implemented in other states
24-Oct-2019 Who Is An Indian: A Public meeting in Solidarity with Assam A Meeting to discuss citizenship and the plight of genuine Indian citizens in Assam
15-Oct-2019 CJP appeals to groups aiding victims of the NRC process to stand together: Assam Press Release
14-Oct-2019 Bengali Hindu couple falsely accused of using fake legacy person CJP helps clear name, family included in final NRC
09-Oct-2019 Subrata Dey Died in Detention Camp, CJP counsels and assists his family The plight of genuine Indian Citizens in Assam
07-Oct-2019 Meet Hasan Ali: A Suicide survivor counselled by CJP CJP guides genuine Indian citizens in Assam