08-Jul-2019 असम के डिटेंशन कैंप में क़ैद 70 वर्ष की महिला शायद रिहाई तक जीवित न रह सके CJP के प्रतिनिधिमंडल ने महिला के पुत्र से मुलाकात की, जो अपनी बीमार माँ की रिहाई के लिए जद्दोजहद कर रहा है
05-Jul-2019 असम में FT ने 63959 लोगों की गैरमौजूदगी में उन्हें विदेशी घोषित किया गृह मंत्रालय द्वारा FT और डिटेंशन कैंप से जुड़ा चौका देने वाला खुलासा
04-Jul-2019 सिटिज़न्स फॉर असम : उम्मीद और इंसाफ़ की तलाश में CJP, वरिष्ठ अधिवक्ताओं और पत्रकारों के प्रतिनिधिमंडल के साथ असम के दौरे पर
04-Jul-2019 What RTI inquiries reveal about Assam’s Detention Camps CHRI files multiple applications to understand complexities, challenges and access information
03-Jul-2019 Assam Detention Camps: 70 year old woman might not live long enough to be released CJP delegation meets son who makes passionate plea to set ailing mother free
13-May-2019 SC offers Relief to Assam Detention Camp Inmates Those who have spent more than 3 years in captivity to be set free subject to certain conditions
03-May-2019 Jailed in Detention Camp despite being Pregnant with one child and Breastfeeding another EXCLUSIVE Interview with Rashminara Begum from Assam
08-Apr-2019 Another Bengali Hindu dies in an Assam Detention Camp 70 year old used to sell snacks by the street side before being declared foreigner
13-Mar-2019 Maharashtra: Name in doubtful list, Assam woman says ‘painful to not be able to vote’ The Indian Express
22-Nov-2018 Petition against Assam’s Detention Camps in SC Harsh Mander moves apex court to put an end to the inhuman conditions in which 'Declared Foreigners' are lodged
13-Nov-2018 Where hope fades and time stands still: Assam’s Detention Camps A Purgatory more horrifying than Hell
06-Nov-2018 Handcuffed in hospital, Assam man fights for his life Ratan Chandra Biswas spent 2.5 years in a detention camp
12-Oct-2018 The One Stop Guide to Assam’s NRC Issue The Making and Re-Making of Indians as Citizens in Assam