Hate Watch: BJP MLA compares Muslims to Ravan, says they should be set ablaze! Haribhushan Thakur Bauchal gives an open call for violence against the minority community

09, May 2022 | CJP Team

In a shocking video that has gone viral on Twitter, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Haribhushan Thakur Bauchal was caught openly calling for violence against Muslim minorities, comparing them to demons like Ravan (the chief antagonist of the Hindu epic Ramayan).

“We need Hanuman ji so that our youth could be strong, the people of our country could be strong. Just like Ravana’s Lanka was burnt by Hanuman ji, the demon-like Ravanas, who are hovering over Bihar and the country, should also be burnt,” says MLA Bauchal in the video.

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When asked where are these Ravanas in Bihar, Bauchal named Muslim dominated regions in Bihar and said, “You go and see what’s happening in Kishanganj, Purnia or Jokihaat for that matter.” As per The Wire, the said districts belong to the Seemanchal region in Bihar which has a 47% Muslim population and accounts for 24 State Assembly seats. Moreover, he compares the situation in these areas with those incidents recorded in the movie The Kashmir Files.

The video may be viewed here:

Hate Offender Haribhushan has also been reported to have said that Muslims living in India should be stripped of voting rights and treated as second class citizens. As reported by Hindustan Times on February 26, 2022, the MLA accused the community of working on the agenda of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to make India an “Islamic country”. He had said, “In 1947, the country [India] was divided in the name of religion and they got another country [Pakistan]. They should go to another country. If they are living here, then I demand from the government that their voting rights be withdrawn. They [Muslims] can live in India as second-class citizens.”

Image Courtesy: aajtak.in


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