Everyday Harmony: Durga Puja in Ayodhya organised by a Muslim man Mohammad Taufeeq alias Mama ji is the General Secretary of Nav Durga Puja Committee
10, Oct 2022 | CJP Team
The Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb of Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh has once again trumped the politics of religion flourishing in the country. As politicians continue to rake up contentious issues of temple-mosque, in Ayodhya for the last 17 years, Mohammad Taufeeq alias Mama Ji has been handling the responsibility of the General Secretary of Nav Durga Puja Committee.
Amidst the systematic hate leading to growing anger and despair, it is important to showcase a lived reality of camaraderie, equality and sharing which is the bedrock of the Indian Constitution and secularism. That way we not only hold on to every thread of hope, but effectively project these narratives, lest we lose our will to fight the good fight. As part of our #EverydayHarmony series, CJP brings you instances where Indians share and care, every single day… our food, our businesses, our homes and our friendships. This instances show how we Indians continue to reject hateful and divisive agendas even while street violence and social media are used as part of a sinister, hate-filled political agenda to tell us otherwise. Let’s reinforce India’s everyday lived reality, and through that collectively and aggressively, uphold and defend a unique pluralism, a diverse culture and truly secular values. Donate now to help us combat hate and prejudice!
Motiganj market is at a distance of about 40 km from the district headquarters. A Shri Nav Durga Puja Committee has been constituted here for organising the annual Durga Puja. Its General Secretary is Mohammad Tawfiq alias Mama ji. Neither the Hindus here nor the Muslims have any problem with Mohammad Taufeeq being the General Secretary of the committee. During Navratri, Mohammad Taufeeq performs all the rituals required in the service of Goddess Durga – from the ritual placing the Durga’s statue to other religious rituals lasting nine days. His involvement from worship to aarti to decoration of the pandal to the distribution of ‘prasad’ is lauded by the local people who say it is difficult to tell him apart from a Hindu devotee.
‘Humanity is the essence of life’
Mohammad Tawfiq says that he has always been in favor of humanity. Taufeeq says ,” religion is made to inspire humans. Religion is for giving good life and happiness to the society. One should not do any such work, which troubles anyone. This is humanity and so is religion”
Image Courtesy: mensxp.com
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