CJP seeks preventive action against Sakal Hindu Samaj proposed event in Baramati The event is proposed to take place on February 9 and a rally will follow
08, Feb 2023 | CJP Team
Citizens for Justice Peace has raised some concerns about the proposed event being organized by Sakal Hindu Samaj on February 9 in Baramati, Maharashtra. Sakal Hindu Samaj is the same organisation that has been giving a platform to hate speech offenders to make hate speech by organising events demanding central laws against ‘love jihad’, religious conversion and cow slaughter.
The Samaj’s proposed meet on February 5 was challenged before the Supreme Court and on February 3, the court had issued strict directions to the police to take preventive action if the need arises.
CJP is dedicated to finding and bringing to light instances of Hate Speech, so that the bigots propagating these venomous ideas can be unmasked and brought to justice. To learn more about our campaign against hate speech, please become a member. To support our initiatives, please donate now!
Through this memorandum, CJP has brought to the notice of DGP, Mahasrashtra as well as SP of Rural Pune and Deputy SP of Baramati, that a similar event is going to be held in Baramati where hate offenders Kalicharan Maharaj and Shankar Gaikar have been invited to speak. There is not doubt that these two speakers will spew fresh venom against minorities, will give calls for violence and hurt religious sentiments of minorities through their speeches.
Raising concerns about the same, CJP, in its memorandum has highlighted previous hate speeches delivered by both Kalicharan and Gaikar.
CJP has filed complaints against both Kalicharan and Gaikar with the DGP office in the past few months, concerning their hate speeches. “We have highlighted how their hate speech is against the constitutional spirit and values of secularism, fraternity and all democratic values. These speeches not only pose a serious threat to law and order but also apprehend a disturbance of public order where people could get incited to resort to violence and the same could result in communal disharmony. This is neither desirable for the State nor favourable to the law-and-order situation,” the memo states.

Kalicharan, has in the past, made abhorrent statements against Mahatma Gandhi, while praising Nathuram Godse. In December last year at an event in Ahmednagar organized by Sakal Hindu Samaj itself, he made wild claims about ‘love jihad’ and suggested black magic to “cure a woman of love jihad”, thus propagating superstition.
Gaikar’s most recent hate speech was at Shaurya Path Sanchalan event, held in Boisar, Maharashtra. Referring to the stick used by RSS in its rallies, Gaikar said, “This stick will attack those who work against the nation, insult Bharat Mata, wield a sword on the chest of Mother India and use a knife.” He also made derogatory comments against Islam.In the year 2017, Shankar Gaikar stoked up a controversy by demanding that the recruitment of Kashmiri Muslim youth in the security forces be stopped.
The memo also points out that on February 3, 2023, the Supreme Court issued directions with respect to an event which was scheduled to be held in Mumbai on February 5 by Sakal Hindu Samaj. The court had taken an undertaking from government of Maharashtra that if permission for this event is granted “it will be subject to the condition that nobody will make any hate speech and in defiance of law or disturbing the public order.” The court also gave directions that it shall be the duty of the police officers to invoke section 151 of CrPC for preventive action in case the need for the same arises.
While highlighting these facts, the memo states that “Sakal Hindu Samaj has been notorious for organizing events and calling people who are known to deliver hate speeches in the past. It is clear from the history of events organized by Sakal Hindu Samaj in the recent past and the history of hate offences of Kalicharan Maharaj and Shankar Gaikar that once again during the February 9 event as well, similar speeches will be made and derogatory comments that will tend to disturb the peace and harmony and with tendency to disrupt law and order will be made.”
Accordingly, CJP has urged Maharashtra Police, especially Baramati Police, to take preventive measures to stop this event from takin place and take any other action deemed necessary in this regard.
The complaint may be read here: