11-Oct-2022 उत्तर प्रदेश का ऐतिहासिक शहर चुनार हिंदू मुस्लिम एकता की मिसाल चुनार में किले के साथ ही दरगाह और लक्ष्मी गणेश की बनी मूर्तियां पूरे देश में प्रसिद्ध हैं
10-Oct-2022 Everyday Harmony: Durga Puja in Ayodhya organised by a Muslim man Mohammad Taufeeq alias Mama ji is the General Secretary of Nav Durga Puja Committee
07-Oct-2022 Everyday Harmony: For generations, Muslim families have designed jari medha The Durga Puja festivities in Cuttack are incomplete without Muslims participation
07-Oct-2022 Everyday Harmony: Hindus, Muslims together celebrate Durga Puja in Assam’s Sivasagar The puja was organised by a local club called Nabajuvak Durgatsav Samiti
06-Oct-2022 Everyday Harmony: Muslims welcome Ram Dal procession in Kaushambi Performers dressed as Hindu deities and priests were welcomed with refreshments
06-Oct-2022 Everyday Harmony: Newest Hindu temple in Dubai opens its doors to all Thousands of expat Indians will have one more place of worship in the UAE
04-Oct-2022 Everyday Harmony: A Muslim family to be among first to get puja prasad: Assam A Ahom and Muslim family will receive the prasad, a welcome symbol of harmony in Assam
06-Sep-2022 Everyday Harmony: Members of Ganpati Visarjan procession pay respect to mosque The procession switched the music from Hindu bhajans to Islamic devotional songs while passing by a mosque
12-Aug-2022 गंगा जमुनी तहजीब के साक्षी हैं, कुम्हार की ताजिया, कुम्हार का इमामबाड़ा! हिन्दू-मुस्लिम एकता का प्रतीक कुम्हार का इमामबाड़ा और ताजिया
10-Aug-2022 Everyday Harmony: Non-Muslims commemorate Muharram in Karnataka village that has no Muslims The holy month for mourning and reflection also has other unique traditions
18-Jul-2022 Everyday Harmony: Kashmiri Pandits welcome back Hajis with Na’at recital Previously local Muslims had assisted in the rescue of Amarnath pilgrims during the flash-floods
15-Jul-2022 एक सुर में बोले वाराणसी के युवा : हमें नफरत नहीं, अमन का माहौल चाहिए गंगा जमुनी तहज़ीब बचाने को चिंतित युवा और महिलाएं
05-Jul-2022 Everyday Harmony: Muslim employer performs last rites of Hindu employee The Patna trader said he upheld "Ganga-Jamuni tehzeeb"
27-Jun-2022 Everyday Harmony: Muslim groups organise drinking water in flood ravaged Silchar The Assam town's locals found government's efforts insufficient
18-Jun-2022 Everyday Harmony: Humanity shines through the rubble of Hate Amidst violence and bulldozer politics, citizens work together to maintain peace
17-Jun-2022 Everyday Harmony: Hindu families help ensure peaceful wedding for Muslim neighbour Appeal to Howrah Police to allow wedding of Muslim widow's daughter amidst prohibitory orders