Evidence Unearthed in the Zakia Jafri Case Part 3 of a Four Part Interview with Senior Advocate Mihir Desai
28, Oct 2017 | CJP Team
In the third of the four part interview, senior counsel, Mihir Desai traces the wealth of evidence that indicates the chain of command responsibility and criminal conspiracy behind the genocidal carnage in Gujarat 2002. He also explains how the evidence of Sanjiv Bhatt was never a pillar of either the criminal complaint files by Zakia Jafri on 8th June, 2006 neither of the protest petition.
Even the issue of the controversial meeting at the then chief minister’s residence on 27th Febuary, 2002 hinged on the evidence of former minister, Haren Pandya who had deposed before the Concerned Citizens Tribunal, Crimes Against Humanity, Gujarat 2002. He also explains the difference between the Gulberg trial and the Zakia Jafri case.
To read the Zakia Jafri order click here