U’khand: Hate offender Radha Semwal doxes Muslim traders in live stream on Facebook She is known to be involved in destroying Muslims shrines as well

06, Jun 2023 | CJP Team

Radha Semwal Dhoni, after her livestream on June 4 on her Facebook profile can easily be termed as a local goon. Semwal is known to harass religious minorities in Uttarakhand and is often proudly posting videos of her harassing them on her Facebook profile.

Her tools of harassment include apprehending small-time Muslim traders, especially hawkers, and threatening them, asking them about their whereabouts. She also posts videos about mazaars (Muslim shrines) in Uttarakhand claiming how they are all illegal and have encroached government lands. CJP did a detailed profile of Semwal in March which can be read here.

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She recorded this live stream from Garhwal on June 4. She then pointed her camera towards three men who were sipping tea and asked them their names and where they had come from. She then displayed on camera their identification document showing some rental certificate. “They have invaded our villages now and for some thousand rupees these villagers are giving them places on rent. Now I will have to complain against them, or we will have to send their bahu-beti (Daughters and Daughters-in-lawwith them.

She then took one of them aside claiming that he lied to her about where he came from. She asked him to show what he was selling and kept claiming that he lied to her about his native place and when he tried to reason with her Radha said, “I will push you off this ledge if you lie to me”. Speaking in a threatening tone, she asked him to show his Aadhar card. On camera she even showed his Aadhar card details and she kept claiming that his Aadhar card was fake (which actually seemed authentic, like any other Aadhar card)

She threatened him to not enter this area to which he responded that she should let him go and that he will never come back here.

She then said, “How dare you come to the mountains. You don’t come here to sell goods, you come here to kidnap girls. If I throw off this ledge nobody will come to know. Aukaat me reh (Stay in your limits). Think ten times before coming here again.”

She then refused to return their Aadhar cards and said, “go to the police station and tell them that Radha has taken your Aadhar cards. Come along with the cops and then take your Aadhar cards back”.

The live stream video may be seen here:


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