The High Level Committee’s Report on Socio-economic, Health and Educational Status of Tribal Communities of India (May 29, 2014) Committee headed by Prof. Virginius Xaxa
28, Oct 2019 | CJP Team
In August 2014, the Prime Minister’s Office constituted a High-Level Committee (HLC) with Prof. Virginius Xaxa as Chairperson. In its Terms of Reference (TOR), the Committee was mandated “to examine the socioeconomic, educational and health status of tribal communities and recommend appropriate interventional measures to improve the same”. The Report comprises thematic sections based on various socio-economic parameters mentioned in the Terms.
As per the TOR, the Committee was mandated to prepare a position paper on the
socioeconomic, health and educational status of STs of the time. It was also expected to
suggest policy initiatives and outcome-oriented measures to improve development indices and
strengthen public service delivery.
While examining the position of tribal communities vis–a-vis other social groups as well as at
different levels such as the national, regional and district levels, including those with respect to:
geographical pattern of economic activity and the changes in avenues of employment and
livelihood due to rapid urbanization and shrinking of their habitat; asset base and income levels
and changes in the pattern of ownership and productivity of immovable assets coupled with the
role of public policy and legal frameworks in facilitating/inhibiting such changes; adequate
systems and structures for implementation of protective legislations. The report can be accessed here: