18-Aug-2018 NRC Claims and Objections Process: Draft Modalities and SOPs Inadequate Objector currently has power to harass and bully innocent people!
16-Aug-2018 Submit Detailed Report on District-wise Exclusions from NRC: SC to Prateek Hajela Court seeks views of AASU, AAMSU and others on Modalities for Claims and Objections
02-Aug-2018 Is the NRC Free and Fair? The Making and Re-Making of Indians as Citizens in Assam: A CJP Series
17-Jul-2018 SC slams Lynch Mobs, issues directions to govt to check ‘mobocracy’ Landmark judgment warns people against taking law into their own hands
09-Jul-2018 SC to start hearing petitions to read down Section 377 Pleas to decriminalise consensual sex in private between adults of any gender or sexuality
17-Apr-2018 बाल यौन उत्पीड़न: 95 प्रतिशत मामले अभी भी लंबित हैं पीओसीएसओ(पोकसो) के दिशा-निर्देशों के कार्यान्वयन में महाराष्ट्र, उत्तर प्रदेश और मध्य प्रदेश सबसे खराब निर्वाहक हैं
14-Apr-2018 SC takes suo motu cognisance of Kathua lawyers’ unruly behaviour Lawyers had called strike in support of the accused, obstructed victim's lawyer and cops from entering court
03-Feb-2018 Ayodhya Dispute: Give Peace a Chance Sign this online petition supporting our intervention in the Supreme Court
12-Jan-2018 Procedure not Privilege, Assigning Cases in the SC Roster Analysing Issues Raised in the Letter of Four Judges of the SC Collegium
12-Jan-2018 India’s Justice League: 4 judges defend democracy, question nepotism in SC ‘Preserve SC, Protect Democracy’ say the Judges in a press conference
09-Dec-2017 K L Ashok: Resolve the Babri Masjid dispute while upholding our Constitutional values #PremJanmBhoomi: A Peace Initiative
05-Dec-2017 Intervention in Ayodhya Case for Lasting Peace, Constitution: CJP Mischievous Media Attempt to Provoke Hatred and Violence