12-Nov-2019 Overview of the law pertaining to land and governance under the Fifth Schedule Compiled by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs in collaboration with the UNDP
12-Nov-2019 Frequently Asked Questions on the Forest Rights Act, 2006 Compiled by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme
05-Nov-2019 Compendium of Judgments on the Forest Rights Act, 2006 (June 15, 2016) Contains all judgments related to the FRA from 2007 to 2015
28-Oct-2019 The High Level Committee’s Report on Socio-economic, Health and Educational Status of Tribal Communities of India (May 29, 2014) Committee headed by Prof. Virginius Xaxa
28-Oct-2019 Expert Group Report on Development Challenges in Extremist Affected Areas (May 2006) The Planning Commission set up the 16-Member Expert Group on “Development Issues to deal with the causes of Discontent, Unrest and Extremism”.
28-Oct-2019 Joint Committee Report on the Scheduled Tribes (Recognition Of Forest Rights) Bill, 2005 The Committee was formed by the Parliament to consider the provisions and possible ramifications of the 2005 Bill
23-Oct-2019 Mass protests & Sansad Gherao against continued Adivasi evictions on Nov 21 Despite SC stay, forest dwellers continue to be harassed by the government
22-Oct-2019 Counter Affidavit filed by MoTa in support of tribal rights in the FRA The Counter-Affidavit was filed in the main matter of Wildlife First vs. Union of India
17-Sep-2019 Stop forced eviction of Adivasis & Forest dwellers: UN to India UN urges India to implement FRA 2006
12-Sep-2019 Wildlife Conservation group Wildlife Trust of India withdraws challenge to FRA, 2006 Withdrawal a vindication of Adivasis’ claims of a symbiotic relationship with Forests
12-Sep-2019 Breaking: All Intervention Applications defending FRA, 2006 admitted by SC HRDs Sokalo Gond and Nivada Rana’s IA backed by CJP and AIUFWP also admitted, interveners to file written submissions
12-Sep-2019 Maha gov’t blames DLCs for “unlawfully” rejecting Adivasis’ claims Says close examination of rejected cases has been “insightful”
11-Sep-2019 Tharu Adivasis submit rebuttal against rejected land claims: Dudhwa National Park Forest dwellers had submitted community forest rights claims in 2013