23-Apr-2022 Shobha Yatra Violence | The weaponisation of festivals Understanding how hate is engineered during religious festivals
18-Apr-2022 खुद को ज्ञान से सुसज्जित करो न कि त्रिशूल, तलवार या चाकू से हथियार रखने की बाबत क्या कहता है कानून और कैसे दक्षिणपंथी समूह उड़ा रहे उसका (कानून का) मखौल
12-Apr-2022 Arm yourself with knowledge, not tridents, swords or knives Legal definition of weapon, and how right-wing groups find ways to subvert the law
14-Mar-2022 गुजरात दंगे के तबाही की गवाही में गुजरे बीस साल : 2002-2022 नरसंहार की भयावहता और पीड़ितों की दुखद कहानियों की याद
28-Feb-2022 Twenty Long Years, Bearing Witness: Gujarat 2002-2022 Recalling the unspeakable horrors of the carnage and the quiet dignity of the survivors
22-Feb-2022 The build-up to Gujarat Carnage of 2002 Teesta Setalvad takes us through the years leading up to the riots
28-Nov-2020 Teesta Setalvad receives honourary doctorate from UBC Doctor of Laws degree conferred for work in the field of human rights
23-Jun-2020 UBC confers honorary doctorate on Teesta Setalvad Several well-known artists and activists also honoured
29-Jan-2019 Role of the Media: How Hate was Spread in 2002 in Gujarat Excerpts from the Concerned Citizens Tribunal Report, Crimes Against Humanity, Gujarat 2002
07-Sep-2011 A Statement by the Citizens for Justice and Peace, Communalism Combat, Muslims for Secular Democracy Condemn the bomb blast in Delhi