24-Sep-2019 People’s Tribunal: NRC and its Constitutional Process and Human Cost Eminent Jury Members on the humanitarian crisis of Assam
17-Sep-2019 Proceedings before Foreigners’ Tribunals are really the issue: Teesta Setalvad Teesta Setalvad raises critical points
11-Sep-2019 More than 200 new FT members appointed in Assam New FTs coming up to hear cases of people excluded from NRC
04-Sep-2019 CJP Team Visits Families of People Excluded from the NRC CJP helps genuine Indian citizens in Assam
31-Aug-2019 CJP in Assam: The evolution of our campaign to avert a humanitarian crisis An account of our various initiatives to help Indians in Assam
30-Aug-2019 CJP ने चलाया असम के भारतीय नागरिकों को कानूनी मदद देने का अभियान पैरालीगल कार्यकर्ताओं और स्थानीय और जिला स्तर के वकीलों को दी ट्रेनिंग
26-Aug-2019 CJP trains paralegals to help Indians defend their citizenship Legal luminaries share knowledge with over 100 participants in Guwahati
26-Jul-2019 I live on the streets and sleep under the stars: Anjaan Musafir 2.0 Another Assam man on the run after being declared ‘foreigner’
08-Jul-2019 असम के डिटेंशन कैंप में क़ैद 70 वर्ष की महिला शायद रिहाई तक जीवित न रह सके CJP के प्रतिनिधिमंडल ने महिला के पुत्र से मुलाकात की, जो अपनी बीमार माँ की रिहाई के लिए जद्दोजहद कर रहा है
03-Jul-2019 63959 people declared foreigners ex parte in Assam! MHA reveals shocking figures related to Foreigners' Tribunals and Detention Camps
08-Jun-2019 New MHA order setback for citizens’ rights in Assam? Order grants multiple officials right to make FT reference, FTs get unspecified powers
03-May-2019 Jailed in Detention Camp despite being Pregnant with one child and Breastfeeding another EXCLUSIVE Interview with Rashminara Begum from Assam
25-Feb-2019 CJP in Action: Our Attempt to avert a Humanitarian Crisis in Assam How CJP is driving the efforts on the ground to help people in Assam