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Migrant Diaries
CJP’s special series on the Covid-19 crisis through the eyes of displaced Indians
06 Jun, 2023
Bengal migrant workers deceased in tragic Odisha train crash
CJP & Bangla Sanskriti Mancha have rushed to the families’ aid
09 Jan, 2023
Policy exclusions under Labour Codes limit efficacy of post Covid-19 migrant worker initiatives
A close look at some of governments post pandemic policies for migrants reveals that key structural exclusions in the labour codes, the one nation, one ration card (ONORC) and PMAY schemes threaten serious exclusions
23 Dec, 2020
#CJPWednesdays We achieved so much together because of YOU
CJP 's work in 2020
13 Aug, 2020
Rajib Alam appeals for his right to vote
CJP's #LetMigrantsVote Campaign
14 Jul, 2020
मायग्रंट डायरीज: लक्ष्मण प्रसाद
झारखंड के लक्ष्मण प्रसाद कहते हैं, “गांव पहुंच कर मैं बहुत खुश हूं, खाने के लिए अब लाइन में नहीं लगना पड़ेगा.”
06 Jul, 2020
मायग्रंट डायरीज: मुन्ना शेख
लॉकडाउन के दौरान ट्रेन से 62 घंटे में मुंबई से कटिहार पहुंचे प्रवासी कामगार ने कहा, "उम्मीद है बिहार सरकार कुछ पैसा और राशन दे ताकि हम जिंदा रह सकें."
03 Jul, 2020
Migrant Diaries: Zia ul Sheikh
“I am scared to return to Mumbai because you never know what will happen next,” a goldsmith from West Bengal hopes he can find work in his home state
01 Jul, 2020
Migrant Diaries: Atiur Rehman
“Not a penny in my pocket for three months, not a grain in my belly for three days before CJP helped me,” recalls a migrant worker from West Bengal
29 Jun, 2020
Migrant Diaries: Makar Behera
“I didn’t go back home because I was scared of getting Covid-19 in the village quarantine centre,” says a skilled mason from Odisha who chose to stay on in Mumbai
27 Jun, 2020
मायग्रंट डायरीज : गणेश यादव
“एक बार मुंबई रहने लायक सुरक्षित हो जाए, तो मैं फिर इसकी ओर रुख करूंगा,” कहते हैं मधुबनी जिले के रसोइए जिनको बिहार में कोई आर्थिक भविष्य नहीं दिखता
26 Jun, 2020
Migrant Diaries: Sagar Ali
“Health facilities are terrible in Birbhum. At least in Mumbai, if I fall ill, I can go to the nearby government hospital,” says a labourer who feels his young family is safer in the city
24 Jun, 2020
Migrant Diaries: Mohammed Jamaluddin
“We took a bus, then rode in a truck, then walked, then boarded another truck, and were heckled by officials at each checkpost,” a mason recalls his hellish journey from Mumbai to Birbhum
22 Jun, 2020
Migrant Diaries: Abul Hasan Mirza
“I'll invite you home for a meal soon. We want to thank you,” says an optimistic construction supervisor who shared the rations he got with his team
19 Jun, 2020
Migrant Diaries: Laxman Prasad
“I am glad that I have reached my village, and we do not need to beg in front of anyone for food,” says the Mumbai loving auto driver who hails from Jharkhand
17 Jun, 2020
Migrant Diaries: Munna Sheikh
“It took us over 62 hours of a hellish train ride to reach home. I hope the Bihar government gives us money,” says a labourer wondering how else would his family survive
16 Jun, 2020
পরিযায়ীদের কথা : টিঙ্কু শেখ
"অভাব না থাকলে, আমরা আমাদের জন্মভূমি ছেড়ে কেন গেলাম ?" পরিযায়ী শ্রমিক জিজ্ঞেস করলেন।
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