HW: “No space for Mullas and Qazis here”, says Hindutva leader At an event in Chhattisgarh, Deepak Sahu delivered a hate speech

15, Feb 2023

Last week a video was being circulated on Twitter, of Deepak Tarachand Sahu, a Hindutva leader and leader of Sahu Samaj in Chhattisgarh, where he used derogatory words against Muslim community and said that there was no space for Muslims in this country. At a Sahu samaj event held in Shaktighat, he threatened mass violence against Muslim and tried to instigate Hindus to take arms against Muslims

The videos may be viewed here:

Sahu said, “They are conducting religious conversion. In the coming years, in 25-50 years they want to turn this into a Muslim nation. I declare here that this agenda of yours will never succeed. This country does not belong to Mullas and Qazis, this country is Veer Shivaji’s. This is Hanuman’s country. There is no space for mullas and Qazis here. This is the land of our gods and goddesses. Here we will worship our gods and goddesses. I appeal to you that this speech should not just be limited to this stage. The war has now begun and this should not be stopped. I promise you, here Sahu Samaj’s President is sitting, we are with Sahu Samaj.”

He further said, “To the Muslim community I want to say that till today you lived a peaceful life and there was no communal tension but if you take a Hindu girl then we will kill you (at this line, the crowd started cheering for him)

“We do not wear bangles in our hands, if needed  we will pick our weapons (incoherent words) There are cases against me and I have been to jail but That Hindu whose blood hasn’t boiled yet, that is no blood but water. Within me blood flows, not water,” he added.


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