Final NRC published in Assam Over 19 lakh excluded
31, Aug 2019 | CJP Team
The final National Register of Citizens (NRC) was published in Assam at about 10 AM on Saturday August 31, 2019. This time there was a significant drop in the number of people excluded. Whereas the final draft published last year in July left out over 40 lakh people, the list published this year has brought the number of exclusions down to just over 19 lakh people, though that is also a large number.
This drop in the number of people excluded from the NRC is because the people whose names were excluded last year underwent the NRC claims process wherein they filed applications and attended hearings to defend their right to be included in the NRC.
CJP volunteer motivators and community volunteers played a role in helping people file their claims. They went door to door in 19 of the worst affected districts to counsel people, help them with their documentation and the claims process. We even helped people at objection hearings. After their documents were scrutinised and they were given a chance to present their cases, many people were found eligible for inclusion and thus found their names in the final NRC.
Now that the final NRC has been published, and 19,06,657 people have been excluded from the final list, CJP’s campaign has become even more focused. Our objective now, is to help these excluded people defend their citizenship before Foreigners’ Tribunals. For this we have already started conducting a series of workshops to train paralegals to assist people at FTs. We will also be publishing a multi-media training manual containing simplified aspects of legal procedure, evidentiary rules, and judicial precedents that will ensure the appeals filed against the NRC exclusions in the FTs are comprehensive and sound, both in fact and in law. This will assist our paralegals, lawyers and the wider community in Assam to negotiate this tortuous process. For this we need your continued support. Please donate now to help us help Assam.
In a statement released after publication of the final NRC, the NRC authority said, “Taking into account all the persons already included and after disposal of all Claims and Objections and proceedings under Clause 4(3), it has been found that a total of 3,11,21,004 numbers of persons are found eligible for inclusion in Final NRC leaving out 19,06,657 numbers of persons including those who did not submit Claims.”
According to the NRC authority, the process of receipt of NRC Application Forms started during the end of May 2015 and ended on August 31, 2015. A total of 3,30,27,661 members applied through 68,37,660 applications. The entire process was carried out under the watchful eye of the Supreme Court. “As per Orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, Draft NRC (Complete Draft) was published on 30th July, 2018 wherein 2,89,83,677 numbers of persons were found eligible for inclusion. Thereafter, Claims were received from 36,26,630 numbers of persons against exclusions. Verification was also carried out of persons included in Draft NRC under Clause 4(3) of the Schedule of the Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and Issue of National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003. Objections were received against inclusion of 1,87,633 persons whose names had appeared in Complete Draft. Another Additional Draft Exclusions List was published on 26th June, 2019 wherein 1,02,462 persons were excluded.”
The entire statement may be read here:
Also read:
CJP in Action: Additional Exclusion list released, our team swings into action in Assam
CJP in Action: Volunteers assist families during objection hearings
CJP relentless in its efforts to protect Indians’ citizenship in Assam
CJP moves SC to defend genuine Citizenship of people in Assam