04-Mar-2024 Hindu Jan Akrosh rally in Mumbai sees conspiracy theories being peddled against Muslims Leaders like Nitesh Rane, made speeches calling out ‘Jihadis’ and accusing people of bringing in ‘Bangladeshis’, and ‘Rohingya’ to conduct riots
01-Mar-2024 Nitesh Rane peddles conspiracy theories and threaten violence in Dongri Caught on camera threatening to burn someone and peddled conspiracy theory of ‘land jihad’
29-Jan-2024 Uttar Pradesh charged with communal tension around Ram Temple inauguration Reports of several communally charged incidents have arisen in the state
23-Jan-2024 As Ram Temple inaugurated in UP, reports arrive of communal incidents from five states Communal incidents by Hindutva mobs erupt in Maharashtra, Telangana, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Delhi
23-Jan-2024 2023 में ये शिकायतें लेकर NBDSA पहुंचा CJP: भारतीय TV चैनलों द्वारा मूल्यों और दिशानिर्देशों के उल्लंघन पर एक नज़र वर्ष 2023 में टीवी पर घोर नफरती उल्लंघनों पर पैनी नज़र रखते हुए सीजेपी ने न्यूज ब्रॉडकास्टिंग एण्ड डिजिटल स्टैंडर्ड्स अथॉरिटी (एनबीडीएसए) के समक्ष आठ शिकायतें दाखिल कीं जिनमें से सात टाइम्स नाउ नवभारत के खिलाफ थीं; एनबीडीएसए से आठ अनुकूल आदेश आए
08-Jan-2024 Bilkis Bano gets Justice: Supreme Court strikes down remission All 11 gang rape and murder convicts to surrender within 2 weeks
22-Dec-2023 CJP’s NBDSA Complaints 2023: A look at the repeated violation of ethics and guidelines by Indian television channels Keeping a hawk’s eye on the most egregious hate violations on television through 2023, CJP filed eight complaints with the News Broadcasting and Digital Standards Authority, seven of which were against Times Now Navbharat; eight favourable orders came from the NBDSA
21-Dec-2023 ‘Curly Tales’ Kamiya Jani, faces BJP flak on “beef-eating” claims After a recent visit to Jagannath temple at Puri, Odisha
16-Nov-2023 Exploring the Multifaceted Roles of Hate Speech Impact on elections, violence, and beyond
14-Sep-2023 Will the multiple upcoming yatras by VHP & affiliates remain peaceful? Vishva Hindu Parishad's extensive pre-election and Ram temple inauguration campaign across the nation sparks concern
26-Aug-2023 मुज़फ़्फ़रनगर स्कूल घटना: देश मे नफ़रत की बढ़ती आहट अल्पसंख्यकों को निशाना बनाने वाले अपराध कैसे पनपते हैं?
25-Aug-2023 Bilkis Bano case : Remission selectively applied? The case is currently being heard in the Supreme Court of India
08-Aug-2023 हरियाणा हिंसा | CJP ने NCM & DGP को सौंपी याचिका CJP ने अधिकारियों से कार्रवाई करने और मुसलमानों पर दुर्भावनापूर्ण हमले को रोकने की मांग की है
04-Aug-2023 Large Scale Mobilisation Meets Hate Speech in North India Hindutva organisations carry out rallies in UP, Delhi, Uttarakhand, and Haryana amidst ongoing violence against Muslims in Haryana
05-Jul-2023 In another showcase of impunity, far-right leaders openly target Muslim community Maharashtra: Hindu Janakroash Morcha organised in Malegaon, anti-Muslim slurs used, threats of violence issued
03-Jul-2023 Muslims see wave of attacks from extremists over the weekend, from hate speech to discrimination Patna, Haryana, Uttarakhand: Disturbing incidences reported, depiction of Muslim community being disparaged and targeted