12-Feb-2022 CJP urges FIR against Sadhvi Giri for remarks inciting sexual violence against minorities Giri made these remarks at the Raipur Dharam Sansad in December 2021
10-Feb-2022 हेट बस्टर : सुरेश चव्हाणके याने लता मंगेशकर यांच्या अंत्यविधीदरम्यान शाहरुख खानबद्दल खोटी बातमी पसरवली एखाद्याला निरोप देण्याची पारंपारिक कृती म्हणून हवा फुंकण्याच्या कृतीवरून सोशल मीडियाने त्याला चांगलेच बोल सुनावले
09-Feb-2022 Hate Buster: Times Now anchor questions Malala’s silence on Burqa ban in Norway The Nobel Laureate had tweeted about the Hijab controversy in Karnataka
07-Feb-2022 Hate Buster: Suresh Chavhanke spreads fake news about SRK at Lata Mangeshkar’s funeral Social media schools him about blowing the air as a traditional act of bidding goodbye
22-Jan-2022 CJP writes to News18 against “80 vs 20” debate show’s communal content The show pitched Hindu voters against Muslim voters via an inflammatory narrative
21-Jan-2022 India’s Ecosystem of Hate: Is Facebook both, a Beneficiary and an Offender? Complete text of Teesta Setalvad’s speech at online event organized by Real Facebook Oversight Board on January 20, 2022
18-Jan-2022 लव आज़ाद: प्यार करने का ज़ज्बा रखने वालों के खिलाफ नफ़रत के अपराध को ट्रैक करने वाला सीजेपी का मैप एक ऐसा विशेष अभियान जो अंतरधार्मिक और अंतरजातीय जोड़ों पर हो रहे हमलों की घटनाओं पर पैनी निगाह रखेगा
13-Jan-2022 Hate Offender: Deepak Sharma’s Hate Speeches have gone unchecked so far Is the self proclaimed Hindutva ‘leader’ seeking political attention in poll-bound UP?
12-Jan-2022 CJP urges DGP for arrests of accused in ‘Dharam Sansad’ case Videos showing hate speech are viral yet no arrests made
11-Jan-2022 Muslim women’s auction: CJP, rights groups and activists write to Mumbai Police Commissioner Joint petition urges police to conduct thorough investigation and take action against actual perpetrators
11-Jan-2022 Hate Offender Tejasvi Surya: Minority Commission sends CJP’s complaint to Bengaluru DGP In May 2021, he had made communal remarks about an alleged "bed blocking scam"
10-Jan-2022 Meet Hate Offender Kalicharan ‘Maharaj’ His hate speech has targeted everyone from minorities to women to even Gandhi!
06-Jan-2022 Majority must demand justice for minorities: Sign CJP’s petition NOW! A call to the comfortable majority of the country