19-May-2022 Hate Buster: Meat, meets fact checks India is not a ‘pure vegetarian’ nation, a fact that Hindutva goons find hard to digest
14-May-2022 CJP’s Mohalla Committee initiative draws enthusiastic response and support from citizens CJP calls upon the neighbourhood watch to form a robust mechanism to tackle hate
13-May-2022 Hate Buster: Conspiracy theories about Taj Mahal collapse, yet again Court dismisses plea seeking reopening Taj Mahal rooms, fact checkers call out Tejo Mahalay claims once again
12-May-2022 CJP moves NCM over Haribhushan Thakur Bachaul’s anti-Muslim genocidal speech The Bihar MLA had compared Muslims to Ravan and said they should be set ablaze like demons
09-May-2022 Hate Watch: BJP MLA compares Muslims to Ravan, says they should be set ablaze! Haribhushan Thakur Bauchal gives an open call for violence against the minority community
07-May-2022 CJP moves NCM over Pravin Togadia’s communal oath at Trishul Diksha event He had encouraged youth, at the event in Assam, to bear arms to deport "Bangladeshi Muslims"
07-May-2022 Hate Buster: Nope! Eating from Muslim-owned restaurants does not cause impotence A Kerala politician had claimed Muslim restaurants were lacing tea with impotency drugs!
05-May-2022 Meet Hate Offender Nischalananda Saraswati The Shankaracharya of Puri has been demanding that India be declared a "Hindu Rashtra"
02-May-2022 Hate Watch: Suresh Chavhanke continues to administer oath to make India a ‘Hindu-rashtra’ Serial hate offender's anti-Constitutional oath has violent undertones
02-May-2022 अल्पसंख्यकों के सहयोगी और मददगार कैसे बनें नफ़रत को रोकने और सद्भाव को बढ़ावा देने के लिए CJP की मुहिम
28-Apr-2022 ‘An eye for an eye’- new law of the land for the Muslim minorities in India? Targeted and arbitrary razing of houses of Muslims becoming common after MP’s Ram Navami communal aggression
27-Apr-2022 हेट बस्टर: सांप्रदायिक मीम ने संदिग्ध आंकड़े पेश किए यह आंकड़े या तो गणितीय रूप से गलत हैं, असंभव हैं या पूरी तरह से निराधार हैं!
19-Apr-2022 मुसलमानों का आर्थिक बहिष्कार! क्या हम एक जेनोसाइड की तरफ बढ़ रहे हैं? उन्हें अलगाव में डालना दरअसल उनके खिलाफ हिंसा भड़का सकता है
19-Apr-2022 Apply more stringent sections in FIR against Bajrang Muni Das: CJP to UP DGP CJP’s petition urges expansion of complaint to include rape threats
14-Apr-2022 Everyday Harmony: Koranic verses recited at K’taka temple as Chariot Festival begins No bar against non-Muslims setting up stalls
12-Apr-2022 Hate Buster: Islamophobic meme touts questionable statistics Figures are either mathematically inaccurate, improbable or outright baseless!