01-Nov-2019 Family left out of NRC even after submitting claims form: CJP intervenes Marfat Ali and his family were left of the NRC even after submitting valid legacy documents and claims form
09-Oct-2019 Subrata Dey Died in Detention Camp, CJP counsels and assists his family The plight of genuine Indian Citizens in Assam
03-Oct-2019 Sultanpur rape case: CJP moves NHRC citing lacunae in police investigation Raises concerns about possibly deliberate attempts to derail the case
24-Sep-2019 People’s Tribunal: NRC and its Constitutional Process and Human Cost Eminent Jury Members on the humanitarian crisis of Assam
18-Sep-2019 SC admits Intervention Applications by CJP and AIUFWP to defend Forest Rights Act 2006 CJP fights for FRA 2006
17-Sep-2019 Proceedings before Foreigners’ Tribunals are really the issue: Teesta Setalvad Teesta Setalvad raises critical points
31-Aug-2019 CJP in Assam: The evolution of our campaign to avert a humanitarian crisis An account of our various initiatives to help Indians in Assam
30-Aug-2019 CJP ने चलाया असम के भारतीय नागरिकों को कानूनी मदद देने का अभियान पैरालीगल कार्यकर्ताओं और स्थानीय और जिला स्तर के वकीलों को दी ट्रेनिंग
08-Aug-2019 CJP moves SC to defend genuine Citizenship of people in Assam Petition raises key questions about definition of citizen, immigrant and impact on descedants
24-Jul-2019 Legal Eagles Join Forces with CJP in Assam CJP takes a delegation of lawyers and journalists to Assam
04-Jul-2019 सिटिज़न्स फॉर असम : उम्मीद और इंसाफ़ की तलाश में CJP, वरिष्ठ अधिवक्ताओं और पत्रकारों के प्रतिनिधिमंडल के साथ असम के दौरे पर
25-Jun-2019 CJP in Assam: Our appeals ensured due process in Assam 'Excluded' names from the hearing dates now scheduled
03-May-2019 Victory! NBSA rules in CJP’s favour in Complaint against Zee News Broadcaster warned, asked to remove content