15-Feb-2023 How a visually impaired woman finds hope in CJP CJP counsels this marginalised woman beyond the call of duty
31-Jan-2023 Making a case against capital punishment Taking the rational argument among the people will build support for its abolition
14-Jan-2023 Are eviction drives the new form of targeted state driven violence in New India? Lakhimpur, Haldwani, Kushinagar, Ujjain-eviction drives continue rendering minorities homeless in BJP-run states
30-Dec-2022 2022: A year when Bulldozer became a ‘lawful’ means of punishment Spearheaded by UP. Other BJP ruled states followed the footsteps
29-Dec-2022 A look at CJP’s inspiring work in 2022 Braving the storm to make human rights a reality for all
26-Dec-2022 Two more women saved from spectre of statelessness in Assam: CJP Impact Both widows, one Hindu and one Muslim, were falsely accused of being Bangladeshis for years
23-Dec-2022 CJP Impact: A 78 year old widow rendered stateless is declared Indian, Bongaigaon, Assam CJP Impact: A 78 year old widow rendered stateless is declared Indian, Bongaigaon, Assam
20-Dec-2022 Unwavering and relentless: CJP’s Assam Team in 2022 Wading through floods, reuniting families and bringing smiles to many faces
15-Dec-2022 CJP’s advocacy and legal aid helps “suspected foreigner”prove his citizenship Floods took away his land, miscreants set the house on fire, and now the state wants to take away his citizenship too!
22-Nov-2022 वाराणसी: गंगा-जमुनी तहज़ीब की मिसाल है अगहनी जुमा करीब 450 साल से अगहनी जुमा हिन्दू-मुस्लिम एकता की एक मिसाल रहा है
10-Nov-2022 असम में एक दिव्यांग महिला को भारतीय घोषित कर दिया गया देखिए मुमताज बेगम का भावनात्मक सफ़र
02-Nov-2022 Differently abled woman finally declared ‘Indian’ in Assam Mamotaz Begum was freed from being called a 'doubtful citizen' with CJP's help
26-Oct-2022 CJP helps another hapless Muslim individual in securing bail: Gauhati HC CJP’s legal aid and advocacy protected him from being sent to Assam’s dreaded detention camps
22-Oct-2022 असम में अचानक आई फॉरेन ट्रिब्यूनल नोटिसों की बाढ़, गरीब महिलाओं को निशाना बनाया जा रहा है. CJP की मदद के साथ वह अपनी नागरिकता साबित करने की तैयारी करते हुए मिल रही यातनाओं से सहम उठते है