The vision of Khoj endures as a beacon of hope, 31 years and counting In the midst of rising communal polarisation among the wider public, Khoj continues its journey, crossing the thirty year mark, to nurture young minds and ground celebrative values of pluralism and equality, our constitutional values as a founding principle among the young.
24, Sep 2024 | CJP Team
In the academic year 2023-2024, Khoj has been continuing with its programme in both private and government schools across Mumbai as well as various regions in Uttar Pradesh, where its Purvanchal chapter remains active. Tackling challenging and crucial topics such as communal harmony and encouraging prejudice-free attitudes towards different communities, in a world ridden with polarisation and enmity, Khoj reminds us by practice the importance of providing children a space to develop and nurture crucial critical thinking abilities.
Khoj classes as students engage in activities.
This unique, one in a kind, forward-looking initiative has demonstrated that, by promoting critical thinking and open discussion within the classroom, children can learn to navigate conflicting social issues with a well-rounded perspective. The results are promising, as we have seen over the decades which tell us that Khoj’s methods not only add a plus to the educational experiences of young students but also prepares students to become thoughtful, empathetic citizens in an increasingly diverse world.
Khoj is a unique initiative in the field of education that gives an opportunity to children to understand diversity, peace and harmony. We teach students to be critical in their approach to knowledge and decision making. We encourage children to go beyond the narrow confines of their syllabus, and foster an open atmosphere of learning and sharing within the classroom. The emphasis is on pluralism and inclusion. Because the future is worth fighting for. Donate now to help take Khoj to students from all sections across India. Khoj will be made available to more children in many more schools with your support.
Maharashtra and Purvanchal, Uttar Pradesh
Regular sessions within the classrooms, field trips that promote a sense of diversity, creative competitions and understanding of local regional and national histories marked Khoj’s regular sessions in Uttar Pradesh’s premier city in Purvanchal, Varanasi. As the committed Khoj team continued to work with young minds and youth too on dialogue, constitutional values and harmony, word of the programme spread inviting more and more schools to join in
A video made about the programme may be viewed here
Khoj sessions this last year
Khoj sessions happen side by side with the regular schools. They try to fill the gaps left by the education system. To do this, Khoj sessions call for creative output by using critical thinking abilities of students. These abilities often get ignored and disappear by the time one grows up. Therefore, Khoj ensures that its programmes provides a space to students where they are encouraged to think outside the box in its multiple exercises such as Personal Histories, Mapping the City, Likes and Dislikes, Self-portrait, Problem-Solving etc. Children are provided with selected topics to write on and encouraged to express themselves. They write on instances such as what brings them happiness or sadness in the ‘Likes and Dislikes’ session which allows them to write about their dreams, fears, and anxieties. Regular schools in the current educational system has not been able to grant students their opportunities. Furthermore, what is interesting is that many students often write and talk in these sessions how they wish for a more peaceful world, and how they want a world free of religious conflicts and gender biases. This also reveals the success of Khoj in providing these students a direction to move forward in a world filled with hate.
In one of these exercises, a student of class fifth writes about his dream to be an army officer. Along with his thoughts, he has also drawn a cartoon figure in the side. Another student, named Akash, from class five, writes his introduction in an exercise, drawing a self-portrait in the process. He writes about himself, saying how he is good at studies, and about his dream of wanting to become a doctor.
In yet another instance, students can be seen heartily singing ‘Hum Sab Ek Hain’ in these classes as another example of the harmony and unity Khoj teaches. Furthermore, these exercises are not isolated events. They encourage students to do these activities together. If you enter a Khoj classroom, you will see students, across groups, sitting together, and talking energetically and excitedly as they participate in the activities together and complete the tasks. Students who are shy are encouraged to take up space in the classroom by reciting poetry, introducing themselves, and talking about what they’ve written in the activities.
Students completing activities together.
Another engaging Khoj module is ‘Mapping a Child’s Day and Week,’ which encourages students to imagine their ideal world and place themselves within their city’s context. This activity helps them gain further understanding of their city and surroundings.
Khoj allows students to express themselves which gives them confidence and conviction. For instance, in one of the classes a young girl reads her Personal History project in front of the classes, and tells an inspiring story about how her grandparents came to Mumbai as migrant workers from Uttar Pradesh. She recites how her grandparents came to the city with no access to resources except their dreams, found a home, got settled, also thereafter establishing their children in the city. This activity –as young, growing minds appreciate each other’s lived experiences, creatively draws in an appreciation of diversity (in cultures and languages), transforming the classroom in a multi-coloured vibrant entity. As this module allows the young to explore the migratory histories of their own families, the fascinating narratives of generational journeys are woven together in the powerful recounting. This exploration with their families engenders a grounded understanding, allowing for students to understand their own culture and the culture of the busy city they are now part of.
Teachers’ Day
In the school year 2023-2024, the first programme which was celebrated was Teachers’ Day in October 2023. Khoj collaborated with six schools and conducted two different programmes in multiple languages, including Urdu, Hindi and Marathi. This programme was organised by students, supervisors, and principals before some time. Khoj’s advisor and mentor worked with students, supervisors, and principals during the summer and prepared for this programme. Khoj in charge Noorjahan Shaikh vigorously prepped with the students.
Students explained the importance of the day and the importance of teachers in society in both Hindi and Marathi. Following the recitation of these poems students had sung songs praising teachers. On the day of the event, the students presented various creative poems, songs as well as plays on the topic. Some of them were titled, Shikshak aur Vidhyaarthi ka Naata, (The Relation between Teacher and Student), Kitabein Karti Hain Baatein, (Books Speak) and several others.
After that, Mr. Damodar Bedekar, the class teacher of the fifth grade at Jalgaon Pakhadi School No. 1, presented a poem he himself had written. Thereafter the exciting prize giving when the students were awarded prizes by the teachers, principals, and headmasters on behalf of Khoj and out of all the students who felicitated, six students received awards. Programme in-charge, Noorjahan Shaikh further expressed her gratitude to the participants, teachers and parents. Light refreshments, including sweets, were also provided to everyone present. Similarly, another programme identical to this was held on Teacher’s Day at Nadkarni Park once again with students in Hindi and Marathi medium schools.
Gandhi Jayanti
Khoj Project curated a Gandhi Jayanti program with students from Hindi, Urdu, and Marathi mediums from various schools in Khar Danda. Students once again participated due to the in activities such as speeches, songs, debates, and solo performances. Students performed plays, and gave speeches. One student even dressed up as Gandhi in the play.
Student gives a speech acting as Bapu.
Students watch as the programme begins.
Students from classes five through eight of Hindi, Urdu, and Marathi mediums took part and prepared these events with the team from Khoj. Students even presented their creative poetry and recitations in English.
Students singing in celebration of Gandhi Jayanti.
International Human Rights Day
In Shivdi Urdu School, Gandhi Jayanti was organised with great enthusiasm to commemorate Human Rights Day globally by Khoj. The programme was celebrated by Khoj in the school, this school is also where the Khoj curriculum is taught once a week here in class five. This year, December 10th, 2023 was the date of Human Rights Day. However, as there was a holiday on this date, the programme was celebrated a week earlier.
Students enacting a play.
To prepare for this program and get permission, Mr. Sheikh, the principal of the school, made students practise speeches, songs, poetry, and drama in the afternoon and during the evening. Around 36 students from classes five to seven prepared for the event. Students were also give awards for participating and excelling in the programme.
To celebrate human rights and the importance of spreading communal harmony, students from class five presented the songs such as Tu Hindustani Banega Na Musalman Banega, Ham Nanhi Si Pariyaan, and then another student presented a poem titled Bal Adhikar to talk about the importance of children’s rights. To champion women’s rights, girls students also danced while singing the song Ladko Ki Tarah Ladki Bhi Muthi Bandh Kar Pair Hothi Hai (Girls can stand tall like boys.).
Students participating by singing songs.
Following this, a student presented the poem Manav Adhikar Diwas Aaya. Other presentations included students singing songs such as Beti Hoon Main Beti, Badal Gaya Hai Kyun Insaan, Beti, Baccho Ko Hai Betiyaan, Inse Kuchh Seekho, and Mera Mulk Mera Desh.
Savitribai Phule Day
In Tank Lane Hindi, Gujarat, and Tamil School, the birth anniversary of Savitribai Phule and the associated program were celebrated together with students and teachers by Khoj. This is another one of Khoj’s annual event.
Students backstage.
The organisation of the programme started after the principal and headmaster, Mr. Santosh Jadhav called on to students who wished to participate in this programme. After this, the students brainstormed with teachers and Khoj personnel, following which preparation for the programme was started and students practised daily with coordinators.
Student performers with the programme incharge Noorjahan Sheikh.
Students were provided with training, costumes, and any other support required. In addition to performances, students also recited letters to Savitribai Phule from her husband and social reformer Jyotirao Phule.
Student dressed up as Savitribai Phule receiving awards.
International Women’s Day
In Mumbai’s Prabodhankar Thakare Marathi School, an international women’s day program was planned with various activities planned for the students. Khoj’s coordinator Mr. Jadhav met with Ms. Anjali Joshi, the principal of the school, to first discuss about conducting the international women’s day programme with the children. After discussing the details, students and teachers started preparing with the Khoj team for the event that took place on 7 March, 2024.
Children at the Marathi language programme.
The Khoj team, as usual, took care of the logistics and began preparing the sound and banners for the event. The team also made arrangements for refreshments, such as snacks and water for the participants. The programme began with a full of energy welcome song sung by students, teachers, and the principal, Mrs. Joshi.
Next up came the students’ preparations which were started after a student gave a speech on International Women’s Day in Marathi. Following this, a group of students performed a brilliant dance on the theme of the existing societal conditions of women. This was followed by a song called ‘O Ri Chiraiya’ that made the entire audience very emotional.
Afterwards, a skit depicting a social issue related to women’s empowerment was also presented by the students. The play was ended by a powerful and by a heartfelt monologue with the theme “Let me dwell in the wilderness of love.” Following this, students sang a song in Hindi, ‘Hum Hai Nishane Par.’
Students receiving their prizes.
Lastly, beautiful paintings by students from Class 5 were displayed as students, all performers, came together on stage and sang the song Ashaaon ki Baarish. In Prabodhankar Thakare Hindi School, Khoj also celebrated with several programmes a Teachers’ Day event with the staff at the school.
Teachers being felicitated at the programme for staff at Thakray School for Women’s Day.
The staff too performed at the event and received prizes on the joyous day. Some staff performed with their colleagues while some performed with their children, and others presented a solo performance.
Teachers receiving their felicitation.
What is the Khoj project?
The Khoj Project basically aims to provide secular education to students from grades five to eight in government schools, that is middle school. Khoj sessions — that come as part of the programme equipped with educator animators and our well researched materials — cover various subjects such as self-exploration and problem solving through art, social studies and our diverse history through music, debate, media-critiquing techniques through analysing of TV headlines, newspapers. All this happens within the classroom space drawing on voices of the young who develop a knack and freedom to debate, interact and question. Oral family history, community and regional histories – an alternate way of looking at the past and linking this with the present – magically become part of the teaching and learning process. At the background is the focus and foundation of the programme on India’s rich constitutional journey that has envisaged a society and state based on principles of egalitarianism, fraternity and justice. By this approach the Khoj initiative seeks to instil an open, questioning, inclusive approach and mind-set in the hearts and minds of children.
The programme does not believe in any rote learning or teaching techniques even on questions issues of secularism and diversity, but instead takes a creative approach to arouse children’s emotions and intellect to fundamental issues of inequality and discrimination, inclusion and cohesion through over 54 multi-dimensional modules of intervention. This helps ensure that they keep at bay any kind of hatred, prejudice, or even prejudice. Khoj’s approach is premised on the belief that learning processes need to invest in the citizens of tomorrow. The years they spend within our learning systems can, if innovatively used nurture lasting convictions of questioning, inclusivity and a celebration of our diversity. The Khoj team tries to understand the emotional world of children, to relate their learning exercises s with their neighbourhood, city, region, state, country, and the world.
Students in Khoj classes.
Making the subject matter relatable is how the team tries to help them understand these ideas. The team opens up a safe and open space for students to clarify doubts, dilemmas and issues and helps them overcome these and by teaching them about humanity and human rights. Some activities in Khoj, like writing letters to the editor, and creating drawings, involve exploring family history and learning about various religions of the world granting students a creative means to explore important concepts.
Khoj wishes to nurture a space where principles such as diversity, equality, and respect are encouraged and promoted. Alongside its curriculum, the Khoj project also organises special programmes focusing on various themes. Khoj arranges these programmes as an outlet for students to creatively engage with the course material and develop confidence. Khoj ensures that the burden of costs does not fall on schools or students at all and takes care of logistical costs that take place.
Khoj: The vision endures for thirty years.
Khoj was envisioned by CJP in the face of rising communal tensions three decades ago. Established as an educational program for middle school students, the vision behind the founders of Khoj was to launch an effective campaign for young citizens. It was started in the aftermath of the Babri Masjid demolition and the Bombay Riots of 1992 in 1994. As fear, communal tensions and sentiments grew, the one oft forgotten was the country’s young caught in these conflicts. Khoj was thus started with the goal to create an engaging way for children to learn history and social studies, in a manner in which prejudice and communal hatred could be kept away from these young minds. Khoj has focused on creating and applying its approach based on constitutional values to counter India’s harsh social realities. By engaging with schools, teachers, parents, and district administrations, Khoj has tirelessly worked over the years to promote pluralistic society.
By focusing on the creative and learning faculties of children, Khoj also attempts to fill the gaps left unaddressed by the state and educational policies of India by promoting dialog, critical thinking, and creative mediums. Through its various activities it encourages students to ask questions, and engage in peacebuilding and conflict resolution through compassion and understanding. Khoj’s enduring vision is to nurture young citizens who are actively involved in thinking, speaking, and making informed decisions.
Khoj Programme adds milestones, reaches young minds, as it continues its untiring journey
KHOJ – A one-of-its kind, secular learning program for tomorrow’s citizens
Khoj: Discover a New Approach to Education | CJP
Khoj: Educating Young Minds To Question The World Around Them
This Is How Khoj Educates Students About Justice And Equality