04-Aug-2023 सुरेश चव्हाणके ने मुस्लिमों के खिलाफ नफरत फैलाने के लिए ‘थूक जिहाद’ शब्द गढ़ा सुरेश चव्हाणके ने ‘थूक जिहाद’ पर दिया नफ़रती बयान
28-Jul-2023 Hate Surges in India, Reveal Disturbing Shifts in Patterns Communal forces deploy new tactics as the number of hate speech, and incidents of violence against religious minorities increase
15-Jul-2023 Suresh Chavhanke, others stoke tensions at an event in MP seemingly filled with hate speech, fake news Far right leaders seemingly threaten and endorse violence against Muslims and Christians a series of events in Madhya Pradesh
14-Jul-2023 Calls for Uniform Civil Code, Population Control Bill by Right-Wing groups amplified with divisive rhetoric Rallies organised by Hindutva organisations use divisive rhetoric and conspiracy theories about Muslims and Christians
13-Jul-2023 Muslims forced to chant ‘Jai Shri Ram’, as acts of vigilante violence against minorities continue without legal consequences Several recent videos of Muslims being forced to chant ‘Jai Shri Ram’ while getting beaten, abused and humiliated have emerged.
13-Jul-2023 Hate Buster: Muslims and the Myth of Polygamy in India New NFHS data debunks stereotypes, shows declining polygamy trend across religious communities in India, challenging prejudiced narratives.
28-Jun-2023 Widespread residential segregation & discrimination of Muslims & Dalits: Study International study reveals persistent inequity in public services and housing based on caste and religious identity in Indian cities
21-Jun-2023 Hate speech, calls for ban on Halal meat made days before Bakri Eid Both these incidents were fuelled by Hindutva outfits -Bajrang Dal and HJS
15-Jun-2023 Harmony and unity defies hate: Hindu landlord defends his Muslim workers, neighbours A mob of far-right members was going around in Uttarakhand town vandalizing the shops belonging to Muslims when the conscientious citizen stepped in
08-Jun-2023 Educational inequities worsen for Muslim students in India Recent reports highlight drop in Muslim enrolment across all educational institutions
07-Jun-2023 Valorising Aurangzeb will now invite abuse & arrests: Kolhapur, Maharashtra Kolhapur remains tense as Muslim youth was thrashed by Hindu extremists for hailing Aurangzeb, rallies by Hindutva organised, stones pelted at mosque, citizens helped police diffuse violence
07-Jun-2023 Beware! More propaganda films slated to be released before the general election of 2024 After the Kerala Stories, movies on Godhra riots, Tipu Sultan to be released soon, teaser for ‘72 Hoorain’ out
06-Jun-2023 U’khand: Hate offender Radha Semwal doxes Muslim traders in live stream on Facebook She is known to be involved in destroying Muslims shrines as well
01-Jun-2023 CJP moves NCM against the string of hate speeches delivered by Kalicharan across Maharashtra From raising demands of a Love Jihad law for Maharashtra to open calls of violence, many inciting speeches against Muslims were made by him from Feb-March’23
30-May-2023 Times Now Navbharat uses ‘mazaar jihad’ in a show, CJP sends complaint The show was called ‘Operation Mazaar’ and made baseless claims
29-May-2023 Gujarat: Kajal Hindusthani spreads her divisive anti-Muslim agenda again, target audience Hindu women Hindusthani, who had been granted bail on April 13, delivered two hate speeches, called Gujarat police biased, “scared of Muslims”