06-Jan-2025 CJP asks Pune Police to halt right-wing’s Hindu Rashtra Jagruti Andolan event CJP files complaint urging Pune Police to prevent the Jan 5 'Hindu Rashtra Jagruti Andolan,' citing risks of hate speech and communal violence
28-Aug-2024 CJP seeks preventive action against SHS & HJS events in Maharashtra CJP urged Maharashtra Police to take cognizance over the proposed events of right-wing outfit “Sakal Hindu Samaj” and “Hindu Janajagruti Samiti”
22-Aug-2024 CJP seeks preventive action against Hindu Janjagruti Samiti’s Hyderabad event CJP raises concerns about the proposed event of “Hindu Rashtra Jagruti Andolan”
22-Aug-2024 CJP seeks preventive action against SHS and HJS’s events and rallies Urges Maharashtra Police to deny permission of provocative Rallies/Morchas due to certainty of communal tensions
09-Aug-2024 Mahim Police refuse permission to HJS August rally, reassure CJP delegation Mahim police station senior PI S Shirsath informed CJP led delegation that permission to the HJS rally had been turned down
28-Jun-2023 हेट स्पीच: गोवा में यति चेतनानंद सरस्वती ने मुसलमान समुदाय के ख़िलाफ़ उगला ज़हर इस कार्यक्रम के दौरान उन्होंने मुसलमान तबक़े पर ‘शव-कामुकता’ का इल्ज़ाम लगाते हुए एक ऐसे केन्द्रीय क़ानून की मांग पर ज़ोर दिया जिससे ‘लव-जिहाद’ को नरसंहार और संगठित जुर्म के दर्जें में रखा जा सके.
19-Jun-2023 Yati Chetnanand Saraswati abused Muslims calling for a national anti-conversion law: HJS, Goa The speaker, who referred to Muslims as necrophiles, called for a central law that classifies 'Love Jihad' as genocide or organised crime
16-May-2023 Delegation approaches SP, Jalgaon against event organised by Hindu Janjagruti Samiti, submits complaint, demands prompt action During the said event on April 30, speakers had made provocative inciteful speeches, with derogatory statements, through which they had specifically targeted Muslims
12-May-2023 CJP sends complaint to SP SDPO, Jalgaon for hate speeches delivered during an event organised by the Hindu Janjagruti Samiti On April 30, 2023, speakers delivered incendiary and derogatory speeches targeting the Muslim community
22-Mar-2023 CJP intimates Maharashtra Police about HJS Gudi Padwa events HJS has a history of spewing hate at every event it organises
22-Mar-2023 Amidst escalating hate events, CJP persists with multi-layered anti-hate efforts Brazen attempts to provoke people with hate speech have intensified since December 2022, and CJP has responded by adjusting and fine-tuning its responses at various levels.
13-Mar-2023 Wild Goose Chase: From filing preemptive complaints to following up with officers, a round-up of CJP’s efforts to curb hate speech Even after strict SC guideline, hate speeches flow unregulated in Maharashtra despite an active citizenry and civil rights groups, who is then to be blamed?
23-Feb-2023 Even after receiving pre-emptive notices from citizens, police allow hate-speech event in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra Organised by the Hindu JanaJagruti Samiti (HJS), calls for the establishment of Hindu Rashtra were made, demeaning language against Muslims were used
20-Feb-2023 CJP seeks preventive action against proposed event of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti in Maharashtra At this event, calls for Hindu Rashtra and unregulated hate speeches are expected