08-Sep-2023 Shocking incidents of violence and assault targeting Dalits rock Uttar Pradesh Two disturbing cases of violence against Dalits surface - one involving a deadly beating over unpaid wages, and another case of rape, extortion, and forced consumption of beef
08-Sep-2023 पूरे भारत में नफ़रती भाषण और सांप्रदायिक हिंसा की घटनाएं जारी अनेक राज्यों में मुसलमानों और ईसाईयों के ख़िलाफ़ नफ़रती बयानों और सांप्रदायिक हिंसा की घटनाएं जारी हैं. ऐसे नफ़रती बयानों के ख़िलाफ़ कोई ठोस कारवाई नहीं की गई है.
08-Sep-2023 VHP, BJP leaders make inflammatory statements against minorities Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra witness hate speech against minorities filled with fake news, myths and anti-minority rhetoric.
07-Sep-2023 तेलंगाना- दलित युवकों को बकरी चुराने के आरोप में प्रताड़ित किया गया एक अन्य ऐसी घटना सामने आई है जिसमें एक दलित युवक को प्रताड़ित किया गया है. इस मामले में अब तक 4 लोग गिरफ़्तार हो चुके हैं.
06-Sep-2023 उत्तराखंड, कर्नाटक, दिल्ली और उत्तर प्रदेश में हेट स्पीच का दौर CJP ने देश भर में नफ़रती हिंसा की हालिया घटनाओं का ब्यौरा पेश किया है.
06-Sep-2023 Throughout India, hate speech and communal incidents continue Communal incidents in multiple states against Muslims and Christians seemingly become routine as hate speeches continue to be given with little action against them.
05-Sep-2023 Telangana: Dalit youth hung upside down and tortured for alleged goat theft Another instance of Dalit youth being beaten and tortured comes to light. Four people have been arrested in this case
04-Sep-2023 Hate crimes surge in Uttarakhand, Karnataka, Delhi, and Uttar Pradesh CJP brings to you a breakdown of the recent hate incidents across the nation
30-Aug-2023 From Maharashtra to Tamil Nadu, violence against Dalits sees no respite Dalit boy and grandmother assaulted in Nanguneveli, Karur, Dalit women attacked in Satara, two more Dalits dead in Rajasthan, as violence against Dalits continues.
28-Aug-2023 बिना रोक-टोक दमन से दिल्ली फ़ैला नफ़रती बयानों का सिलसिला पूरे भारत में मुसलमानों के ख़िलाफ़ अपमानजनक और अमानवीय नफ़रती बयानों की हवा तेज़ी से फैल रही है.
25-Aug-2023 Unchecked Hate Speech rages from Daman to Delhi Multiple incidents of derogatory and dehumanising hate speech towards Muslims reported across India.
24-Aug-2023 West to north India, the hate-mongering continues unabated Hate speeches and provocative declarations by Hindutva leaders spread communal tensions, as anti-Muslim conspiracy theories and incendiary remarks are repeated in various speeches
24-Aug-2023 Rising number of vigilante attacks on minorities raises alarm, cause physical harm From Assam to Haryana, incidents of hate against minorities flood the news
21-Aug-2023 Muslim minor arrested After Mob assault at Mumbai’s Bandra starion The boy was caught on camera being beaten by a Hindutva mob for allegedly kidnapping a girl
17-Aug-2023 Hate-fuelled events mar Independence Day celebrations across India Hate speech targeting Muslims mars celebrations, violent sloganeering at right-wing rallies overshadow unity and heritage.
11-Aug-2023 Were some Hindu temples originally Buddhist structures? It has been noted by historians that several Buddhist temples were destroyed to have Hindu temples built on them.