13-Jul-2018 Where are Forest Rights movement leaders Sokalo and Kismatiya? UP Govt says both were released, though they remain untraceable for over a month
07-Jul-2018 टांगिया, उत्तर प्रदेश के वनग्रामों को मिला राजस्व दर्जा देश के उन 20 लाख वनगांव परिवारों के संघर्ष की कहानी, जिनकी गिनती जनगणना में भी नहीं होती
03-Jul-2018 Adivasis in Chandauli, UP file Community Resource rights claims to Forest Land SDM caught unaware of FRA, 2006 as villagers brave adverse weather to file claims
29-Jun-2018 Allahabad HC demands explanation for detention of Adivasi activists after CJP and AIUFWP file petition We are keeping #JungJaari to #FreeSukaloKismatiya
28-Jun-2018 CJP and AIUFWP move Allahabad High Court to release illegally detained Adivasis Habeas Corpus Petition filed to protect Sukalo Gond and Kismatiya Gond
22-Jun-2018 सोनभद्र UP में मानवाधिकार रक्षक गिरफ्तार, NHRC ने किया हस्तक्षेप, कारवाई का दिया आश्वासन AIUFWP नेता रोमा और अन्य लोगों ने CJP के नेतृत्व में NHRC रजिस्ट्रार से बात की, उन्हें अवैध गिरफ्तारियों का ब्यौरा सौंपा
12-Jun-2018 FRC Robertsganj, UP seeks withdrawal of “illegal” notice Notice over "illegal occupation of land" issued to Forest Rights Committee members
09-Jun-2018 URGENT ALERT: Adivasi Forest Movement leader Sukalo arrested Even as UP’s Forest Minister assures Action on Incidents of Police violence, Police Carry Out Clandestine Arrests
04-Jun-2018 Police Brutality against UP Adivasis: NHRC assures action after CJP intervention DM Sonbhadra asked to submit report within three weeks
13-Mar-2018 Adivasis and Forest Dwellers get a Raw Deal yet again with Modi regime’s Afforestation Rules The Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act violates statutory rights of forest-dwelling communities
08-Jan-2018 Dalit Forest Rights Activist Shobha demands action against minor son’s Illegal Detention Alleges constant harassment from authorities