27-Mar-2024 CJP Impact: Assamese grandparents rejoice as they’re citizenship reinstated with CJP’s help CJP has triumphed with another victory; a 20-year-old notice from the Foreigner Tribunal was successfully contested and victory was sweet when the couple was declared Indian on March 19, 2024
06-Nov-2023 असम में तमाम चुनौतियों के बीच, नागरिकों को CJP से उम्मीद नस्लवाद से जूझ रहे वंचित तबक़े के एक पुरूष की नागरिकता साबित कराने में CJP ने सहायता की
15-Aug-2023 असम नागरिकता संकट: सबसे ज्यादा संकट में राज्य का वंचित वर्ग बाढ़ भ्रष्टाचार और ग़रीबी की मार से मतलेब अली के लिए नागरिकता का संकट गहराया, CJP ने मदद के लिए हाथ बढ़ाया
14-Jul-2023 मुसलमान दिहाड़ी कामगार रोमिला को FT से मिली राहत, नागरिकता साबित! गोआलपाड़ा फ़ॉरेनर्स ट्रिब्यूनल (Foreigners’ Tribunal) से ‘संदिग्ध विदेशी’ (suspected foreigner) का नोटिस मिलने के बाद रोमिला बेगम परेशान थीं लेकिन CJP की मदद से उनका रास्ता आसान हुआ और उन्हें भारतीय नागरिक घोषित कर दिया गया.
07-Jun-2023 CJP Assists 67-year-old Assam woman who had surrendered herself to fate Samiran Bibi was served a D voter notice, but for a long time, she was unable to do anything until CJP’s Team Assam entered the scene.
23-Dec-2022 CJP Impact: A 78 year old widow rendered stateless is declared Indian, Bongaigaon, Assam In yet another satisfying victory, the CJP’s legal and para legal team ensures that after 18 long years, Fajiran Bewa sleeps peacefully; after she is declared Indian!
26-Oct-2022 CJP helps another hapless Muslim individual in securing bail: Gauhati HC CJP’s legal aid and advocacy protected him from being sent to Assam’s dreaded detention camps
22-Oct-2022 असम में अचानक आई फॉरेन ट्रिब्यूनल नोटिसों की बाढ़, गरीब महिलाओं को निशाना बनाया जा रहा है. CJP की मदद के साथ वह अपनी नागरिकता साबित करने की तैयारी करते हुए मिल रही यातनाओं से सहम उठते है
15-Oct-2022 A sudden flood of ‘foreigner’ notices in Assam targets impoverished women Residents of Dhubri & other districts experience shock and anguish
24-Aug-2022 It’s raining FT notices in Assam! CJP team finds that even people from indigenous communities are not spared
14-Jul-2022 CJP’s humanitarian work in Assam: Overcoming new challenges, achieving new milestones Here’s what our campaign to help our fellow Indians in Assam entails
06-Apr-2022 Assam Detention Camp: The 51st inmate walks out with CJP’s help Nasimuddin is now back home with his family
29-Mar-2022 CJP’s Assam Legal Aid Petition: Gauhati HC grants Assam and UoI final chance to file affidavits CJP had moved the HC over inadequate legal aid for NRC excluded persons
28-Mar-2022 It’s because of you, I’m back with my family: Nasimuddin CJP helps release one more person from an Assam detention centre
01-Mar-2022 92-yr-old Assam woman who didn’t attend Foreigners Tribunal declared Indian citizen xperttimes.com
01-Mar-2022 Assam: Nonagenarian Woman Termed ‘Doubtful Voter’ In 2007, Declared Indian Citizen northeasttoday.in