25-Feb-2020 Allegations of inclusion of ‘ineligible’ people in Assam NRC State coordinator seeks details from DRCRs of all districts
26-Nov-2019 Assam man forced to rot in Detention Camp for over 3 years Migrant labourer declared ‘foreigner’ for going to Delhi in search of a job!
23-Sep-2019 Disasters, Displacement and Political Dis-enfranchisement in a warming world Exclusive Blog: How flood displacement leads to uneducated and destitute women becoming D Voters in Assam
23-Jul-2019 SC rejects government’s appeal for re-verification, extends NRC deadline One month extension granted
12-Jul-2019 क्या असम में नागरिकता निर्धारित करने वाली प्रक्रिया गरीब और पिछड़ों के खिलाफ पक्षपातपूर्ण है? कागज़ातों की कमी के कारण अक्सर प्रभावित होते हैं अनपढ़, दरिद्र और विवाहित महिलाएँ
04-Jul-2019 What RTI inquiries reveal about Assam’s Detention Camps CHRI files multiple applications to understand complexities, challenges and access information
08-Apr-2019 Another Bengali Hindu dies in an Assam Detention Camp 70 year old used to sell snacks by the street side before being declared foreigner
12-Oct-2018 The One Stop Guide to Assam’s NRC Issue The Making and Re-Making of Indians as Citizens in Assam
08-Oct-2018 Yet another Mysterious Death in Assam Detention Camp Declared Foreigner Jobbar Ali found dead in Tezpur Detention Camp
08-Sep-2018 Communal forces are trying to derail the NRC: Dr. Hiren Gohain The Making and Re-Making of Indians as Citizens in Assam: A CJP Series
23-Aug-2018 चाय वाले की माँ असम में 'विदेशी' घोषित एक बंगाली हिन्दू अचानक डिटेनशन कैंप में मृत पाया गया
02-Aug-2018 भला एक 8 साल का बच्चा ‘संदिग्ध वोटर’ कैसे हो सकता है ? असम की बॉर्डर पुलिस ने बालक को पूछताछ के लिए बुलाया!