10-Dec-2024 Human Rights Day 2024: CJP’s Fight for Access to Justice in India This Human Rights Day, let’s face the truth
22-Aug-2024 CJP impact! Amidst rampant systemic prejudice in Assam, CJP secures justice for Ranjina Bibi and her family Ranjina Bibi claims victory after year-long battle in the Dhubri Foreigners Tribunal where she was recently declared Indian, suspension of her citizenship was overturned
01-Aug-2024 Justice delayed, life denied: Rahim Ali’s citizenship vindicated posthumously Tragic tale of Assam’s citizenship struggle as Rahim Ali, branded a foreigner in life, declared an Indian more than two years after death; CJP Assam team meets family of the deceased
24-Jul-2024 CJP Victory! Jamila Khatoon, a Bengali speaking Muslim woman from Assam, finally declared an Indian With the help of the CJP legal team, Jamila received justice after 1 year and 4 months as her citizenship gets affirmed by the Foreigners Tribunal
09-Jul-2024 CJP Impact: Another elderly couple rejoice as their citizenship is restored with CJP’s help Ailing couple forced to face Tribunal monthly on suspicion of being foreigners without due process; CJP restores their dignity and citizenship
01-Jul-2024 Victory! One more Indian gets their citizenship back with the help of CJP! Anjuma has been officially declared an Indian citizen by the Dhubri Foreigner Tribunal
12-Jun-2024 CJP Assam: Standing strong come hail, come storm Throughout CJP’s Team Assam tirelessly aids those impacted by the Assam citizenship crisis
27-Mar-2024 CJP Impact: Assamese grandparents rejoice as they’re citizenship reinstated with CJP’s help CJP has triumphed with another victory; a 20-year-old notice from the Foreigner Tribunal was successfully contested and victory was sweet when the couple was declared Indian on March 19, 2024
22-Nov-2023 CJP Victory! After 3 years of a legal battle, freedom fighter’s daughter, Seje Bala Ghosh, is finally declared Indian Her battle for citizenship, like many others started when she received a 2004 notice only in March 2020!
10-Nov-2023 What does a month with CJP’s team in Assam look like? Exploring the on-ground humanitarian work in Assam
30-Sep-2023 Empowering Women in Assam: CJP Champions Against Unjust ‘Foreigner’ Labels CJP has achieved numerous victories for the marginalized women in Assam
27-Jul-2023 नागरिकता संकट के कटघरे से रिहा हरिमोहन वर्मन, CJP ने की मदद संघर्ष के लंबे सिलसिले के बाद CJP की क़ानूनी मदद के ज़रिए हरिमोहन वर्मन ने FT के सामने नागरिकता का हक़ दोबारा हासिल कर लिया है.
15-Jul-2023 Horrors of Citizenship Crisis seem endless to Harimohan Barman as CJP steps in to help With legal aid from CJP, Harimohan Barman was released in 2021, however his struggles continue
30-Jun-2023 CJP ने एक और महिला की भारतीय नागरिकता बहाल कराने में मदद की 68 वर्षीय महिला की भारतीय नागरिकता साबित, संदिग्ध विदेशी का आरोप ख़ारिज
22-Jun-2023 CJP की मदद से 78 वर्षीय बेवा फ़जीरन ने भारतीय नागरिकता साबित की असम के बांगेगांव की फ़जीरन अब ‘संदिग्ध विदेशी’ नहीं बल्कि ‘प्रमाणित भारतीय’
19-Jun-2023 असम में नागरिकता की संकट के बीच CJP हक़ के रास्ते पर अडिग NRC के क़हर के बीच संघर्ष की कहानियां