16-Jun-2021 A new hope: Student activists charged under UAPA get bail Natasha Narwal, Devangana Kalita and Asif Tanha Iqbal were accused in the Delhi Violence conspiracy case
16-Jun-2021 Creative understanding of UAPA grants freedom from jail for activists: Delhi HC Orders in Natasha Narwal, Devangana Kalita and Asif Iqbal Tanha’s case come as a whiff of fresh air
13-Apr-2021 Guwahati HC grants bail to Assam woman declared foreigner CJP had provided her legal aid to challenge the FT Order in HC
10-Apr-2021 CJP helps Assam man secure bail from Guwahati HC The Bengali Hindu man had been dragged to the FT twice, despite being pronounced Indian the first time
02-Mar-2021 When rights weigh down laws and bail is granted When courts invoke discretionary jurisdiction to uphold right to liberty
19-Feb-2021 Bail under UAPA: Does the new SC judgment offer a ray of hope? CJP compares two SC judgements on bail under UAPA: Watali, 2019, and Najeeb, 2021
28-Jan-2021 Repeal UAPA: End targeting of minorities and dissenters Day one of a three-day consultation on inhuman provisions of anti-terror laws
29-Dec-2020 The worst from Indian courts in 2020 A month by month look at various court orders adversely shaping rights’ jurisprudence
16-Oct-2020 Understanding the right to default bail It is an extension of Article 21: Right to Life and Personal Liberty
06-Oct-2020 What does it take to secure bail under UAPA? A look into how different courts deal with bail applications under UAPA and the rationale behind them