CJP spreads awareness on NPR-NRC in Maharashtra #NoNPR #NoNRC #NoCAA
05, Feb 2020 | CJP Team
CJP continues its passionate on ground campaign against NPR-NRC-CAA. Addressing a massive public gathering in Beed, CJP secretary stressed on the inherent discrimination in the NPR-NRC process and the unconstitutional manner of determining citizenship through the CAA 2019.
At Sane Guruji Smaraka, we conducted a volunteer training and awareness program about the dangers of the NPR-NRC process. Addressing a large public meeting at Gandhi Bhavan in Pune, CJP secretary Teesta Setalvad spoke about the importance of a united peaceful resistance in the wake of nationwide protests against NPR-NRC-CAA .
The unanimous call of many on the CAA being unconstitutional and the right to exercise ones democratic right to protest peacefully against NPR-NRC-CAA is being heard throughout the country. CJP stands firmly with you.
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