CJP moves NCM against Ilyas Sharafuddin for spreading communal hate He has painted a false picture of the teachings of Islam, made anti-Hindu comments
24, Jun 2022 | CJP Team
In its quest to take to task hate offenders (irrespective of their faith), CJP has moved the National Commission of Minorities (NCM) against Ilyas Sharafuddin, a self-proclaimed Islamic scholar, for repeatedly making communally divisive statements and spreading hate.
While completely aware of the ambit and scope of the National Commission of Minorities Act, 1992 and its definition of minorities, one cannot ignore the fact that the highly publicised, deliberate, malicious and hate-filled comments of Ilyas Sharafuddin against Hindus can lead to a communally polarising reaction within the majority, including the administration and police. This in turn could impact vulnerable sections of the minority, which is why CJP made the complaint.
CJP is dedicated to finding and bringing to light instances of Hate Speech, so that the bigots propagating these venomous ideas can be unmasked and brought to justice. To learn more about our campaign against hate speech, please become a member. To support our initiatives, please donate now!
Sharaufuddin is often invited to debate shows by television news channels to speak on ‘Hindu-Muslim’ issues, at which point he proceeds to use words that either mock or hurt the religious sentiments. On their own too, the remarks flagged in the complaint, are clear examples of hate-driven expression/speech and reflect how even a section of the Muslims view other faiths, especially Hindus.
The complaint brings to the Commission’s attention, a hate instigating appearance of Ilyas Sharafuddin on Zee News on May 31, 2022 where he was caught describing in a particularly derogatory manner, the “Shivling”, which is a highly revered symbol in Hinduism.
The complaint then brings to light another Zee News debate show titled Taal Thok Ke, where Sharafuddin made similar comments on the Hindu tradition of worshiping the ‘Shivling’.
The complaint then showcases a News18 India debate show dated December 08, 2021, where Sharafuddin supported the death threats to Wasim Rizvi for making remarks against Muslim religion. On the show he stated, “For maintaining peace in our country, Modiji must behead Rizvi himself to establish religion.” Equating Wasim Rizvi with the villains of hindu mythology he goes on to say, “When Kansa is sent to hell then our country will be safe, when Ravan is sent to hell then our country will be safe, when Ravan’s disciples are sent to hell then our country will be safe. Whoever insults Allah should be beheaded; whoever insults Shri Rama-Krishna should be beheaded.”
For the information of the NCM, the Complaint also mentions the fact that Shri Nuruddin Naik, a businessman and resident of Mumbra, Thane (near Mumbai, Maharashtra) has filed a complaint with the Mumbra police station, senior police inspector, Ashok Kadgal on June 10, 2022 aggrieved by the hateful words of self-proclaimed Islamic Scholar Ilyas Sharafuddin against Hindu deities. In the complaint, Naik states, “Our country India is a beautiful country of mixed population of numerous caste , colour and creed. People of religions live in harmony. We celebrate each other’s festivals with great enthusiasm. Such hatred spread any person with the motive of creating communal disharmony, should be immediately arrested and put behind bars. This will be a lesson for all those who have been trying to spoil the environment of this country. It is the duty of every citizen of the country to fight against hatred for the betterment of the country and society.”
The Complaint expresses concern about the consequences ordinary members of the minority could have to face, as Ilyas Sharafuddin widely spreads communal hate on TV news channel debate shows, and his social media (Facebook) account. As per the complaint, the words used by Ilyas Sharafuddin constitute deliberate provocation, a blatant attempt to disturb peace and insult the sentiments of hundreds of thousands of Indians who are living in harmony. It further expresses deep concern about Ilyas taking the liberty to make foul statements about other religions and cultures, without the fear of any consequence. What’s concerning is that he is functioning with a brazen sense of impunity and is bringing about a false picture of the teachings of Islam, which make the statements even more dangerous.
The copy of the complaint may be read here:
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