25-Feb-2022 Stories of love and hate | Siddharth Vardarajan Remembering the Gujarat Carnage 20 years later
25-Feb-2022 Communal violence and a woman’s body Testimonies of survivors and witnesses of sexual violence during the Gujarat 2002 carnage
24-Feb-2022 Gulberg Society: The massacre and its memory A chilling account of the Gulberg society massacre, and the legal journey since then, by the son of Ahsan Jafri, the man who sacrificed his life to save others
22-Feb-2022 The build-up to Gujarat Carnage of 2002 Teesta Setalvad takes us through the years leading up to the riots
21-Feb-2022 Hate Offender: Hyderabad BJP MLA T Raja Singh threatens UP voters Warns Hindus that their homes will be identified and bulldozed if Adityanath loses Assembly elections
16-Feb-2022 The Communalisation Project: The Tamil Nadu story Communalisation done to polarise people and to grab power through elections
16-Feb-2022 Hate Offender: Kalicharan Maharaj Here's what you need to know about the repeat hate offender
14-Feb-2022 Hate Buster: Propaganda video claims India becoming Lebanon Video spreads misinformation about Muslim takeover, "warning" Indians of similar fate
17-Jan-2022 Hate Offender: BJP MLA Nand Kishor Gurjar thrives on Hate Speech ECI has now served him notice for comment about "Ali... Bahubali... Bajrangbali"
17-Jan-2022 Communal Violence in the year 2021 Part – 1 Promoting Hindu Heritage through higher state expenditure
15-Jan-2022 Hate offender: Meet Ali Sohrab, an Islamist radical fanning communal flames online He makes social media comments against secular Muslims and Hindus