13-Sep-2023 CJP files complaint with NCSC, 11 anti-Dalit incidents highlighted since July 2023 Lynching’s, murder, harassment, public humiliating and assault, marginalised communities targeted nationwide
12-Sep-2023 मध्य प्रदेश में दो आदिवासी युवकों का उत्पीड़न ये दोनों घटनाएं बेहद अपमानजनक थीं. एक घटना में युवक पर पेशाब फेंका गया जबकि दूसरी घटना में युवक के कपड़े उतार कर उसे पीटा गया.
11-Sep-2023 Two incidents of tribal men assaulted and beaten in MP Both incidents involved certain level of humiliation, with one youth assaulted and poured urine on, and another stripped and beaten.
11-Sep-2023 उत्तर प्रदेश में दलित हिंसा की घटानाएं उफान पर इस महीने दलितों के ख़िलाफ़ हिंसा के दो चौंकाने वाले मामले सामने आए हैं, जिसमें से एक में पगार मांगने पर एक दलित को पीटा गया है जबकि दूसरा मामला बलात्कार, वसूली और जबरन गौमांस खिलाने से जुड़ा है.
08-Sep-2023 Shocking incidents of violence and assault targeting Dalits rock Uttar Pradesh Two disturbing cases of violence against Dalits surface - one involving a deadly beating over unpaid wages, and another case of rape, extortion, and forced consumption of beef
07-Sep-2023 तेलंगाना- दलित युवकों को बकरी चुराने के आरोप में प्रताड़ित किया गया एक अन्य ऐसी घटना सामने आई है जिसमें एक दलित युवक को प्रताड़ित किया गया है. इस मामले में अब तक 4 लोग गिरफ़्तार हो चुके हैं.
05-Sep-2023 Telangana: Dalit youth hung upside down and tortured for alleged goat theft Another instance of Dalit youth being beaten and tortured comes to light. Four people have been arrested in this case
30-Aug-2023 From Maharashtra to Tamil Nadu, violence against Dalits sees no respite Dalit boy and grandmother assaulted in Nanguneveli, Karur, Dalit women attacked in Satara, two more Dalits dead in Rajasthan, as violence against Dalits continues.
02-Jun-2023 Two hate crimes against Dalits in UP, videos circulated on social media The incidents are from Amethi and Badaun
27-Apr-2023 A list of must-read books about the oppression, marginalisation and resistance of Dalits Dalit History Month: Curated books on Dalit struggles & revolutions that shaped India's history
15-Apr-2023 Systemic anti-Dalit hate reported countrywide even as April 2023 is celebrated as #DalitHistory Month String of incidents of caste-based atrocities reported across states making the struggle for equal rights and abolition of untouchability hard
10-Apr-2023 CJP informs NCSC of Bihar police beating up minor Dalit boys for celebrating Holi; seeks action The boys were dancing to DJ music when the police started assaulting them
28-Mar-2023 Round up of Attacks on Dalits in March 2023 Several incidents of discrimination and assault were reported
15-Mar-2023 IIT Mumbai report on Darshan Solanki death, crucial evidence overlooked Three witnesses contradict Internal Committee's report on discrimination against Solanki; Internal Survey confirms discrimination as lived reality
13-Mar-2023 Telangana: Dalit Sanitation Worker Dies by Suicide in Gram Panchayat Office It is being alleged that his salary had not been paid for the last 4 months
06-Mar-2023 Hate Watch: Dalit homes set ablaze in Karnataka for participating in village fair The police have booked 25 persons