29-May-2021 Meet Ramu Ghumman, the happiest man in Vasai A labourer who eats only when he earns, yet never complains
26-May-2021 Migration is not really a choice Adivasi community members travel in family groups to Ambadi, ‘settle down’ near the roadside
21-May-2021 Kaulale: All is not idyllic in this picture perfect village Villagers migrate in droves to escape unemployment, caste conflict and water scarcity
17-Apr-2021 Bullets and bureaucracy: Van Gujjars of Shivalik hills are caught in the crosshairs At least 4,000 families of the originally nomadic community have settled in the region that is also home to an Army shooting range
09-Apr-2021 Why does this ‘haat’ run on our forest land? Residents of a Santhal village are demanding that the Khowai Haat be shut down
23-Mar-2021 In pictures: Adivasi women file land claims under FRA in Chitrakoot AIUFWP and CJP showcase how history was made one step at a time
23-Mar-2021 Forest Land Claims filed in Chitrakoot: AIUFWP and CJP make history! Claims filed for eight villages, 10 more in the pipeline
22-Feb-2021 What happens if an ‘unregistered’ labourer dies suddenly? Adivasi woman dies, authorities appear apathetic towards her family
02-Feb-2021 Who sprayed chemicals in an eco-sensitive forest area in Haldwani? Brave Van Gujjar woman’s video recording reveals atrocities by Forest Department officials
16-Jan-2021 Hard work and resilience: The success story of two men from Jawhar Born into abject poverty, they overcame all obstacles to become financially independent
11-Jan-2021 Adivasi women forest workers allegedly assaulted by UP Police Police arrested the women for protesting an unauthorised construction on forest land
08-Jan-2021 Have you ever heard the hypnotic notes of the Tarpa pipe? The Warli art of making music from gourds, bamboos and an ancient playbook of memories
22-Dec-2020 From bonded labour to farmers waiting for ownership rights The struggle continues for this Warli tribal family
10-Dec-2020 Revealed! An ancient migration route that may vanish soon Tracking the path taken by Van Gujjar nomads
05-Dec-2020 Bandna Parab: A festival that celebrates light and life A lesser known festival of lights, celebrated by indigenous communities to mark the changing season and give thanks to the land
21-Nov-2020 पराली ख़रीद कर वायु प्रदूषण से लड़ रहें है वन गुज्जर उत्तराखण्ड राज्य में पराली जलाई नहीं जाती, बल्कि उचित मूल्य में खरीद लेते हैं वन गुज्जर समुदाय