10-Jun-2020 CJP Assam: Reunites Inmate with daughters after two years in detention camp Rahman Ali was released from a detention camp after CJP’s intervention
05-Jun-2020 CJP helps reunite detention camp inmate with his daughters in Assam Rahman Ali was released from a detention camp after CJP’s intervention
04-Jun-2020 Watch: Four people released from Tezpur Detention Camp As of 31st May, 31 inmates has been released from the detention camps, with CJP's help
27-May-2020 CJP Assam: Halima Begum released after 4 years in detention camp CJP stands with the defenceless Indians in Assam affected by the citizenship crisis.
26-May-2020 Can you help CJP to aid detainees who have completed their detention period in Assam? Help Us Help Assam
20-May-2020 Assam Detention Camps: CJP helps release Lalit Thakur after long legal battle We need your support to continue helping the defenseless and marginalised Indians in Assam
18-May-2020 CJP helps reunite man released from Assam Detention Camp with long-lost daughter Inmate Abdul Khalek had essentially been left to rot behind bars till CJP intervened
15-May-2020 CJP helps two more people walk out of Assam’s detention camps Total 25 people have been released with exclusive efforts of CJP so far
13-May-2020 CJP Assam: Three more inmates released from detention camps CJP will continue to help every Indian who are spending their days in the detention camp
06-May-2020 Assam detention camps : CJP strives to release and rehabilitate innocent citizens CJP helps release Zubeida Khatoon, a helpless woman who spent five years in detention camp
05-May-2020 असम: CJP ने डिटेंशन कैंपों से 9 कैदियों को दिलाई आजादी असम एनआरसी से बाहर हुए लोगों की मदद के लिए CJP लगातार प्रयत्नशील है
01-May-2020 CJP locates ‘untraceable’ Assam detention camp inmate, helps her get bail Zubeida Khatoon had lost all hope after being forced to spend more than five years in captivity
24-Apr-2020 The night Parbati came home A look at how an old woman was dubbed a ‘foreigner’ and forced to spend over three years in a detention camp!
23-Apr-2020 Victory! CJP helps secure release of 9 Detention Camp inmates in Assam Team Assam ran pillar to post completing formalities, and didn’t slow down despite the lockdown