08-Jun-2022 Serial Hate-offender Pooja Pandey targets jumma namaz UP’s Aligarh second place to report unrest due to hate-filled speech after Kanpur
07-Jun-2022 Hate Watch: Cow protection, mosque surveys and religious education top priorities for Assam Hindutva leader Satya Ranjan Borah demands cow protection, mosque surveys and religious education in Assam
04-Jun-2022 Hate Offender Bharat Singh Walia spews casteist, anti-Muslim hate The body builder and YouTuber is trying his best to be a mascot for hardline Hindutva
04-Jun-2022 Hate Watch: Why did NKTV allow BJP’s Shiladitya Dev to get away with making anti-Muslim comments? Host Paragmani Aditya did little to intervene or stop the anti-minority diatribe
03-Jun-2022 हेट बस्टर : ताज महल, तेजो महालय नहीं है ! २०१५ में सरकार ने संसद में भी इस अजीब दावे को ख़ारिज किया था
02-Jun-2022 Hate Watch: ‘Swami’ Jitendranand Saraswati calls for lynching of pregnant women Serial hate offender has previously dodged prosecution for calls for genocide, violence and carrying trishuls
31-May-2022 CJP Impact: YouTube responds to CJP’s complaint, takes down hate filled content! YouTube took down six hateful videos mentioned in CJP's complaint
31-May-2022 Hate Watch: Deceased Batadraba fisherman’s family dubbed “Jihadi” Local hate offender calls for their “encounter”; CM’s political secretary calls them criminals
29-May-2022 There is No Shivling inside the Gyanvapi Mosque | Rajendra Tiwari CJP's Exclusive Interview with Kashi Vishwanath Temple's ex- Mahant
26-May-2022 CJP impact: GRP team removes communal posters from Mumbai local train CJP had approached authorities after receiving a video of the poster from a rights group
23-May-2022 CJP Impact: NCM acts on CJP’s complaint against Hate Offender Pravin Togadia NCM urges Assam Chief Secretary to take necessary action
21-May-2022 CJP’s next step in countering Online Hate: YouTube urged to take action against hateful content CJP insists the platform act on its Community Guidelines to counter Hate Speech
20-May-2022 हेट बस्टर: नहीं! मुस्लिमों के रेस्टोरेंट के खाने से नपुंसकता नहीं होती केरल के एक राजनेता ने दावा किया था कि मुस्लिम रेस्तरां नपुंसकता की दवाओं वाली चाय परोस रहे हैं!
19-May-2022 Hate Buster: Meat, meets fact checks India is not a ‘pure vegetarian’ nation, a fact that Hindutva goons find hard to digest
13-May-2022 Hate Watch: Kerala Governor schools Muslim cleric for targeting schoolgirl for accepting award Arif Mohammad Khan has questioned the state’s silence on the matter
12-May-2022 CJP moves NCM over Haribhushan Thakur Bachaul’s anti-Muslim genocidal speech The Bihar MLA had compared Muslims to Ravan and said they should be set ablaze like demons