31-Jul-2023 नफ़रत के ख़िलाफ़ CJP कामयाब! NBDSA ने Times Now Navbharat के विवादित प्रोग्राम पर लगाई रोक! NBDSA ने Times Now Navbharat के ‘मदरसा जिहाद’ प्रोग्राम को सांप्रदायिक और जातीय मुद्दों के लिए तय पत्रकारिता के नैतिक पैमानों को तोड़ने वाला बताकर इसे हटाने का आदेश जारी किया है.
28-Jul-2023 Hate Surges in India, Reveal Disturbing Shifts in Patterns Communal forces deploy new tactics as the number of hate speech, and incidents of violence against religious minorities increase
28-Jul-2023 CJP Victory! NBDSA orders removal of contested debate show aired by Times Now Navbharat NBDSA stated that the impugned show violated specific guidelines covering reportage related to racial and religious harmony
25-Jul-2023 Custodial Deaths of Dalits and Muslims go Unchecked across the Nation Families demand justice and assert that their loved ones were victims of custodial deaths as more victims from marginalised communities die after facing custodial violence.
21-Jul-2023 Suresh Chavhanke stirs controversy of “Spit Jihad” again in a village of Maharashtra In his instigating speech, Chavhanke targets Muslim businesses, Madrassas and Mosques, spreads conspiracy theories and peddles hate
19-Jul-2023 Times Now Navbharat के 3 नफ़रती कार्यक्रमों पर CJP का शिकंजा! NBDSA में शिकायत दर्ज! सनसनीख़ेज़ नफ़रती प्रोपगैंडा से लैस न्यूज़-प्रोग्राम्स के लिए CJP ने Times Now Navbharat को आड़े हाथों लिया है और NBDSA से इनपर रोक लगाने की मांग की है.
17-Jul-2023 Assam CM sparks outrage for remarks on ‘Miya’ Community, criticised for divisive language Himanta Biswas Sarma under fire for attempts at polarising the people of Assam
17-Jul-2023 Notorious “leaders” spread communal and divisive ideology in Solapur, Maharashtra From issuing threats to raising calls of violence, the weekend sees rampant hate speech
17-Jul-2023 CJP ने NCM से प्रवीण तोगड़िया की ‘हेट स्पीच’ के ख़िलाफ़ शिकायत की दिसंबर, 2022 से मई, 2023 के बीच प्रवीण तोगड़िया ने अनेक मौक़ों पर हेट-स्पीच के ज़रिए जनता को धर्म के नाम पर बांटने का प्रयास किया है, CJP ने इसपर ठोस कारवाई की मांग की है.
15-Jul-2023 Suresh Chavhanke, others stoke tensions at an event in MP seemingly filled with hate speech, fake news Far right leaders seemingly threaten and endorse violence against Muslims and Christians a series of events in Madhya Pradesh
14-Jul-2023 Calls for Uniform Civil Code, Population Control Bill by Right-Wing groups amplified with divisive rhetoric Rallies organised by Hindutva organisations use divisive rhetoric and conspiracy theories about Muslims and Christians
13-Jul-2023 Muslims forced to chant ‘Jai Shri Ram’, as acts of vigilante violence against minorities continue without legal consequences Several recent videos of Muslims being forced to chant ‘Jai Shri Ram’ while getting beaten, abused and humiliated have emerged.
13-Jul-2023 Hate Buster: Muslims and the Myth of Polygamy in India New NFHS data debunks stereotypes, shows declining polygamy trend across religious communities in India, challenging prejudiced narratives.
12-Jul-2023 संगमनेर के अहमदनगर पुलिस-थाने में सुरेश चव्हाणके के ख़िलाफ़ CJP ने शिकायत की सकल हिंदू समाज की तरफ़ से आयोजित एक सभा में 6 जून को महाराष्ट्र, अहमदनगर के संगमनेर में सुरेश चव्हाणके मुस्लिम समुदाय के लिए अपने नफ़रती बयान के कारण फिर सुर्ख़ियों में आ गए हैं
06-Jul-2023 Maharashtra: In Malegaon, yet another speaker makes open calls for violence at a Sakal Hindu Samaj event Speaker states that a butcher who kills a cow, should be killed too, demands for law providing capital punishment to ‘love-jihadis’