09-Jul-2024 CJP Impact: Another elderly couple rejoice as their citizenship is restored with CJP’s help Ailing couple forced to face Tribunal monthly on suspicion of being foreigners without due process; CJP restores their dignity and citizenship
25-Jun-2024 CJP Assam: Standing Strong Amid Citizenship Crisis and Floods CJP's district volunteer motivators navigate devastating floods in Assam
24-May-2024 Supreme Court halts deportation of woman declared foreigner, issues notice to union and NRC coordinator Supreme Court seeks Assam Govt. and ECI response within 3 Months, says no coercive steps against petitioner till then
30-Apr-2024 डर से आज़ादी तक: असम में सदर अली और मोलिना का नागरिकता पाने का सफर राज्यविहीनता के कगार से लेकर नागरिकता पुनःप्राप्त करने तक
13-Apr-2024 From Fear to Freedom: Sader & Molina’s Citizenship Journey in Assam CJP Victory: From the brink of statelessness to reclaiming citizenship
27-Mar-2024 CJP Impact: Assamese grandparents rejoice as they’re citizenship reinstated with CJP’s help CJP has triumphed with another victory; a 20-year-old notice from the Foreigner Tribunal was successfully contested and victory was sweet when the couple was declared Indian on March 19, 2024
21-Mar-2024 Frequently asked Questions: Understanding the Citizenship Crisis in Assam Common queries regarding the Assam citizenship conundrum
08-Mar-2024 The women of CJP: Resilient and resolute in their mission to advocate for the rights of all and counter prejudice On International Women’s Day, we at CJP salute all our women team members working towards inclusivity, tolerance and access to justice
28-Feb-2024 How CJP’s legal & paralegal teams ensure wins, case after case in Assam: 2023 18 success stories in 2023 alone: All declared Indian by Assam’s Foreigners’ Tribunal
18-Jan-2024 Assam: CJP brings relief to a family’s struggle for their lost identity CJP’s team once again comes to the aid of a family that was repeatedly affected by the Assam’s citizenship crisis after a year-long legal battle
02-Jan-2024 CJP’s Unwavering Journey in Assam 2023: Navigating the Citizenship Crisis Defying Challenges, Upholding Justice in Assam
30-Nov-2023 सीजेपी की जीत! तीन साल की कानूनी लड़ाई के बाद भारतीय नागरिक घोषित हुईं स्वतंत्रता सेनानी की बेटी सेजे बाला घोष नागरिकता के लिए उनकी लड़ाई तब शुरू हुई जब मार्च 2020 में उन्हें अन्य कइ लोगों की तरह 2004 का नोटिस मिला!
22-Nov-2023 CJP Victory! After 3 years of a legal battle, freedom fighter’s daughter, Seje Bala Ghosh, is finally declared Indian Her battle for citizenship, like many others started when she received a 2004 notice only in March 2020!
30-Sep-2023 Empowering Women in Assam: CJP Champions Against Unjust ‘Foreigner’ Labels CJP has achieved numerous victories for the marginalized women in Assam
14-Jul-2023 मुसलमान दिहाड़ी कामगार रोमिला को FT से मिली राहत, नागरिकता साबित! गोआलपाड़ा फ़ॉरेनर्स ट्रिब्यूनल (Foreigners’ Tribunal) से ‘संदिग्ध विदेशी’ (suspected foreigner) का नोटिस मिलने के बाद रोमिला बेगम परेशान थीं लेकिन CJP की मदद से उनका रास्ता आसान हुआ और उन्हें भारतीय नागरिक घोषित कर दिया गया.
26-Jun-2023 CJP Impact- असम में दो विधवा औरतों को बांग्लादेशी के आरोप से मिला छुटकारा, नागरिकता प्रमाणित फ़ॉरेनर्स ट्रिब्यूनल (Foreigners’ Tribunal) ने कहा था ‘संदिग्ध विदेशी’ (D Voter)! सबूतों ने साबित किया भारतीय