13-Dec-2018 CJP इम्पैक्ट: असम में महज़ 40 घंटो में जमा हुए NRC दावों के 10000 आवेदन असम के आम नागरिकों ने CJP के आह्वान पर 3 दिनों की छुट्टियों में NRC प्रभावित लोगों की सहायता के लिए खुलकर योगदान दिया
12-Dec-2018 SC grants more time to file NRC Claims in Assam More than 2.5 million people yet to file claims!
05-Dec-2018 Impossible deadline for filing NRC Claim forms threatens future of 32 lakh people! Less than 10 days to go, 80 percent claim forms yet to be submitted
03-Dec-2018 CJP इम्पैक्ट: दावा-आपत्ति की प्रक्रिया में NRC प्राधिकरण की नर्मी महिलाओं और बच्चों द्वारा सही जा रही परेशानियों को उजागर करने वाले CJP के Facebook Live के बाद आया बदलाव
06-Nov-2018 Handcuffed in hospital, Assam man fights for his life Ratan Chandra Biswas spent 2.5 years in a detention camp
06-Nov-2018 এনআৰচিৰ দাবী আৰু আপত্তি প্ৰক্ৰিয়াত সঘনাই উত্থাপন হোৱা প্ৰশ্নসমূহ চিজেপি অসম গোটৰ টলফ্ৰি নম্বৰলৈ অহা প্ৰশ্নসমূহ
06-Nov-2018 Frequently Asked Questions for the NRC’s Claims and Objections Process CJP's team in Assam fields questions on our toll-free number
01-Nov-2018 SC grants relief to the people of Assam, rejects attempt to subvert NRC process Ruling comes as major relief to lakhs excluded from NRC
31-Oct-2018 NRC Coordinator’s stand in SC based on hypotheses, will dilute NRC Process (Part Two) CJP continues its analysis of NRC Coordinator, Prateek Hajela's Affidavit
29-Oct-2018 Is there a wider conspiracy to derail the NRC ? (Part One) Confidential Report of Coordinator, Prateek Hajela contains not only Falsehoods and Propaganda but is also Self Contradictory
27-Oct-2018 CJP in Action: Words of Encouragement pour in as CJP’s NRC Helpline rings off the hook! Assam Press shares our TOLL FREE number to help people
20-Oct-2018 Teesta Setalvad and Zamser Ali take you through CJP’s Initiatives in Assam Watch a video of our Live Facebook chat!
11-Oct-2018 CJP in Action: CJP Volunteer Motivators helping people file NRC Claims in Assam Photo-feature: Our team creating awareness and offering assistance on the ground in Assam
05-Oct-2018 CJP in Action: Volunteer Motivators and Public Campaigns in Assam Photo-feature: Our team creating awareness and offering assistance on the ground in Assam
22-Sep-2018 UN questions ‘statelessness and disenfranchisement’ of ‘minority groups’ in Assam Special Rapporteur's report to UNGA highlights plight of Bengali Muslims